Disconaut wrote:
When I was 18, I lived four hours from home, paid my own rent, and worked full time. Is your daughter actually high functioning, or is this just something you're telling yourself? Like I said - I'm considered high functioning and by 18, dating was a breeze and my parents certainly weren't involved in that aspect of my life whatsoever. So your daughter is an adult, and you don't "allow" her to date, she isn't "allowed" to have a phone, and she has a "case manager". Either she's not high functioning at all, or you're overstepping what you are legally allowed to do.
I don't really know what to tell you. Personally I see nothing wrong with a 15 and 18 year old dating. The real issue to me is a country where kids are at risk of jail time for exploring their sexuality, and a society where parental involvement in the dating lives of their nearly grown children is acceptable.
Your definition of high-functioning is different than mine. As I said, my daughter is emotionally and intellectually delayed but she is high-functioning in the sense that she doesn't need assistance from anyone to do everyday things. She is however, more like a twelve or thirteen year old in her thinking and so it's unlikely for her to fully understand the ramifications of could happen to her if the two of them were to have sex and then the boy's parents decided to pursue an assault case against her (since she's the "adult" in the situation). All she knows is that this boy seems to like her, she's crazy about him, and wants to have her first "real" high school boyfriend. I have legal guardianship since she's not fully able to understand financial and medical decisions for herself.