Fuzzyair wrote:
sly279 wrote:
Fuzzyair wrote:
Not at all. Taking the bus means you're not dependent on having to walk everywhere. That's a good thing

Once I was dependent on others so much that I only went on bus's with my mother, now I'm independent enough that I can travel by bus alone when I need to

I use to drive but I can’t sfford a car on disability and part time min wage
I struggle to run my car as well. When I'm working it should make running my Volvo a lot easier. Its fuel consumption is pretty bad, it does about 37 to the gallon. My father's Vauxhall Senator is a car I couldn't run ever its fuel consumption was only 21 to the gallon, not cheap to run at all. If I can't get a job I'll have to give up driving as well.
See after bills I have about 180-200 for food and other stuff, including soap, shampoo, toothpaste etc, for a month, most people spend $200 on food a week. So if I owned a car that’s $50 insurance a month, $50-100 for gas , and I need to save money for it’s inavo repairs(breaks run 200-400, tires350-400, oil change 20, transmission service 200, god forbid steering and struts need replaced$200-600, if engine or transmission needs work or replaced $500-2000, all this of course on top of the cars price of 1500-2,000. I’ve owned multiple cars and my family has too. My sister was able to afford a new car so she has years and years before any costly repairs. So people judge me and are like why’d you buy that you should bought a car, well the thing u bought doesn’t cost me anything after buying it. I can’t afford the upkeep for a car. Bus cost me $25 a month. So saves me $175 or so a month va car in just gas/ insurance alone. So I could buy a car and starve and sinks my life’s savings into it, last car I had I used all my savings keeping it going and it still died and got sold for $150.
On plus side I don’t have to deal with the anxiety of driving nor the road rage of other drivers anymore. Yeah it’s be nice to drive to work but it’s be nicer if I lived near work and could walk, it’s sad not owning a car means I’ll never have a relationship and be loved though.