I have no desire to have a romantic relationship, but I want a meaningful friendship. I have never seen a person and felt that I wanted more than a friendship. I don't understand relationships either way. I'd be okay with a cuddle buddy, though.
I'm alone most of the time because I feel this is the way I feel most comfortable, and I can be as awkward as I want. However, it's normal that I also feel lonely sometimes. I feel lonely because I'd like to share something about myself, my daily challenges, or, mostly, what I'm doing, my interests, with another person, and share the same enthusiasm, or sometimes just hug for a while when the day became too rough. Most people want several friends or a romantic partner, but ideally I just want one single true friend. Friendships can be as rewarding as relationships, that is my rationale. Most people won't agree with me, though. I understand their rationale as well.
I'm here to make friends
Have a good day~~