What are your superficial/physical deal-breakers?

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18 Nov 2018, 11:35 am

blackicmenace wrote:
I definitely have a type, but I am not sure it's a deal breaker. It's certainly a positive if they have the features I like.

This ^^

...what do the public, the great unobservant public, who could hardly tell a weaver by his tooth or a compositor by his left thumb, care about the finer shades of analysis and deduction!


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18 Nov 2018, 11:52 am

Butts in on every conversation.

Starts every conversation with the words, “Well, I think that...”, as if their thoughts and opinions were all that should ever matter to anyone.

Has something critical to say about everyone, but never says it to the person they’re criticizing.

Never shuts up.


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18 Nov 2018, 12:25 pm

I can't take drama loving, loud or gossipy people.
or lazy people who aren't interested in anything but movies or video games, they would bore me stiff.

It's like I'm sleepwalking


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18 Nov 2018, 12:37 pm

Raleigh wrote:
or lazy people who aren't interested in anything but movies or video games, they would bore me stiff.

I'm not sure which team you play for but I wouldn't be your type. :lol: :oops:


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18 Nov 2018, 12:48 pm

Well I'm sure this is the place to find movie watching gamers, but personally that's not for me.
not that I mind the occasional movie.
As for gaming - zero interest.

It's like I'm sleepwalking


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18 Nov 2018, 12:52 pm

Raleigh wrote:
Well I'm sure this is the place to find movie watching gamers, but personally that's not for me.
not that I mind the occasional movie.
As for gaming - zero interest.

That's perfectly fine. :)

Me I'm happy dating anybody as long as he's mature and actually cares about other people as much as he cares about me.

I guess macho jerks are another big turn-off for me.


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18 Nov 2018, 1:11 pm

Can't laugh at himself. That's a big one.

A finger in every pie.


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18 Nov 2018, 1:33 pm

BeaArthur wrote:
Can't laugh at himself. That's a big one.



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18 Nov 2018, 2:12 pm

Someone who doesn't share my love for nature, and going on adventures in the backcountry, is a big one for me. Perhaps that's not really "superficial," since the point of being in a relationship is having someone to share the pursuits for which you have a passion.

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18 Nov 2018, 2:45 pm

Too much make-up

Smokes (vaping is alright tho, just can't stand the smell)

Overweight (or a bmi over 25)

Short hair

More sexual than romantic or a potential relationship built around sex than romance

Social animal


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18 Nov 2018, 5:55 pm

I don't find short hair on women attractive.

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19 Nov 2018, 11:26 am

blackicmenace wrote:
I don't find short hair on women attractive.

I feel the same about long hair on guys. To me long hair on a man is unattractive it shouldn't hang past his ears.


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19 Nov 2018, 11:50 am


It’s not that I’d never, EVER date a larger lady. I have in the past and it wasn’t all so bad. It’s just that the experience has mostly been negative. For whatever reason, whether it’s their fault or not, larger women that I’ve known have had bad self-esteem issues, entitlement, and then there are those select few who really are lazy or compensate for deeper issues with food. I wouldn’t want to be with that person any more than I’d want to be with an alcoholic or drug addict, and for the same exact reason. Personality, mood, and health often work in concert. People with bright, happy personalities will often take care of themselves, and people who take care of themselves are often happy. Someone displaying issues in any of those areas are often showing only symptoms of much more significant problems I have no interest in dealing with.

And no matter if you’re fat/skinny/pretty/uggo, if you’re a miserable person and will only ever be miserable and insist on spreading your misery to me, I don’t want you. Looks do, like it or not, communicate a lot of that. If you are not that person and your looks communicate something else that is offputting to others, you might consider a change in something.

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19 Nov 2018, 11:56 am

I like a man to have tidy hair and to be clean shaven; I don’t like beards as I think they can be scruffy if they aren’t tended to frequently. I’m not attracted to an overweight man as that’s not my thing and I don’t like a man with lots of muscle, I think it looks unattractive. I don’t like tattoos much either, I think art should stay on paper and not be on skin. But each to their own I’m sure there are some people who don’t like any of the stuff I mentioned above in a man. But for me that’s dreamy.


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19 Nov 2018, 12:07 pm

Astridlora wrote:
I like a man to have tidy hair and to be clean shaven; I don’t like beards as I think they can be scruffy if they aren’t tended to frequently. I’m not attracted to an overweight man as that’s not my thing and I don’t like a man with lots of muscle, I think it looks unattractive. I don’t like tattoos much either, I think art should stay on paper and not be on skin. But each to their own I’m sure there are some people who don’t like any of the stuff I mentioned above in a man. But for me that’s dreamy.

Oh I definently agree with big bushy beards! I don't mind a little facial hair or even a short trimmed goatee but big long beards are very unappealing to me.

I think I could go out with an overweight man. Some chubby guys are kind of cute just like I think some chubby women are cute. But I couldn't date a guy who I felt was too skinny. Regardless if they are muscular or chubby I like my men burly. :D


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19 Nov 2018, 1:59 pm

Gets jealous of my male characters I write about
Doesn’t like video games
Always finds something to be miserable about on dates
Super religious
Bullies other men and women
Wants children (I have medical issues)
Expects my personality and interest to change because I’m an adult
Obsessed with how much money things I buy costs even though I know how to budget
Expects me to cook for everyone he knows without helping me
Expects me to get rid of my Beanie Boos

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