It’s not that I’d never, EVER date a larger lady. I have in the past and it wasn’t all so bad. It’s just that the experience has mostly been negative. For whatever reason, whether it’s their fault or not, larger women that I’ve known have had bad self-esteem issues, entitlement, and then there are those select few who really are lazy or compensate for deeper issues with food. I wouldn’t want to be with that person any more than I’d want to be with an alcoholic or drug addict, and for the same exact reason. Personality, mood, and health often work in concert. People with bright, happy personalities will often take care of themselves, and people who take care of themselves are often happy. Someone displaying issues in any of those areas are often showing only symptoms of much more significant problems I have no interest in dealing with.
And no matter if you’re fat/skinny/pretty/uggo, if you’re a miserable person and will only ever be miserable and insist on spreading your misery to me, I don’t want you. Looks do, like it or not, communicate a lot of that. If you are not that person and your looks communicate something else that is offputting to others, you might consider a change in something.