ezbzbfcg2 wrote:
Regardless, do you think the guy Monday Blue is an Aspie/on the spectrum somewhere? Though he doesn't discuss his own childhood, in a general sense, he seems to think the problems begin environmentally in childhood and snowball from there.
I think people can end up in the same place by a lot of different means. Abuse, neglect, and just all-around bad environment is how NT's find themselves there. For auties our '2+ standard deviations outside the mean' glow just exudes which instantly triggers the closest thing we have to an angry old-testament Jehova, ie. Conformitas. I had/have wonderful parents, the environment I think would have reacted the same no matter where I might have hypothetically grown up.
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.