The Grand Inquisitor wrote:
Fnord wrote:
ShadowProphet wrote:
Canadian Penguin wrote:
Have some patience. Don't worry about it. Just live your life and it will happen.
That's some blue pilled mainstream bullsht. If you actually wanna give someone dating advice, don't give them bullsht advice.
Actually, the advice given actually
works, provided the man is reasonably attractive to begin with. Women tend to be driven off by unattractive men who seem desperate.
Get your act together. Show up. Relax. Let them check you out. If they like what they see, you're
hired the one!
But then, if the man is reasonably attractive to begin with so much so that he doesn't need to actively do anything towards finding relationships to get them, he's likely not the kind of man who'll have been single long enough to have a problem with it, or who'll need to seek out advice on how to get a relationship on forums, so this anti-advice is kinda moot, and pretty much anyone it would 'work for' has already implemented it.Except for the
"Get your act together" part. I've known guys in the Navy who would use up half a can of deodorant taking a "Tennessee No-Bath" instead of a shower, guys with no fashion sense who put on whatever was on top of their seabag, guys who could have stood a little closer to the razor while shaving, guys who were so over-weight that they displayed a "plumber's crack" while standing, and guys whose only topics of conversation involved guns, pornography and mixed martial-arts.
These same guys would get miffed off because the B-girls along the Strip would ignore them in favor of those of us who at least
tried to present a civilized appearance. Telling those guys to "class up" was about as effective as telling the "I can't get a girlfriend" crowd here at WP the same thing. They either believed that they were already "classy" enough, or that the B-girls were
obligated to service their sexual desires no matter how unattractive the guys were, so they did not put forth any effort to be attractive.