kraftiekortie wrote:
I have a BMI of 30, which is borderline obese. I’m 180 pounds on my 164 cm frame. I walked 40 miles this week, and averaged about 25 miles for the month. Can’t lose a pound.
Most of the women I went out with have been normal weight or thin.
I usually manage to look “overweight,” rather than “obese,” because I wear the right clothes.
Newyork has over half million more women then men. So they either settle or risk ending up alone. There a market for it where some women pay 50,000 dollars for a date to a match making service.
Not that it’d help me as I’m too poor to live in nyc. My area has more men then women, which means women can be picker as it’s impossible they’d end up alone..
There’s been studies done on college campuses on what effect gender population has,
Campouses wirh more women then men, women tend to sleep around more and men tend to want relationships less, when it’s more men then women, it’s the other way wound. The theory is women have sex hoping to get a bf via giving him sex but they guy knows he has more options so why settle down.
This is seen in dating sites too where men far outnumber women and such women are super picky.
If I lived in a town with 100 women and I was the only guy I’d probably be a highly sought after. But there’s 2,000 more men then women and I’m a loser so thst means I’m one of the 2,000 left out to die alone. Made even worse cause I know meet and seen guys who are in relationships with few women and some women who are dating a guy who’s already married. So it’s probably quite a bit more then 2,000 extra men maybe even 10,000 the odds some woman would settle for a loser like me when there’s other choices who are real men are slim to zero.
out West, where the absolute numbers favor heterosexual single women. San Diego has more than 50,000 more single men than women; Seattle has 46,000 more; San Jose has 37,000 more; Phoenix 32,000 more. The pattern is similar for Denver and San Francisco.
The whole west coast has mire men then women while east coast and south has more women then men. Perhaps this explains people difference experiences on wp. Europe always has more women then men. So maybe I’d be better off anywhere but west coast of the USA.
There is no place for me in the world. I'm going into the wilderness, probably to die