Ettina wrote:
theprisoner wrote:
Depends. How fat are we talkin here. you want a honest answer?
20% to 35% body fat is ok. nice and feminine. normal and healthy. after that it gets unattractive quickly. i don have that paraphelia. a 50% obese woman (or man for that matter) i find personally disgusting, aesthetically, let alone sexually.
For me the ones below 20% are the only ones that look really unattractive. I don't like abs.
I would say the 20% - the 45%, excluding the 25% one, are attractive.
Something is wrong the 25% one, she doesn't look right?
All of that said, I would never date a woman. I like, ahem, male anatomy......
I think very broadly speaking, people who have genuine interest in their own personal development have a tendency to avoid shoveling copiously excessive calories down their mouths.
They are too busy studying to be eating all the time
(Sort of true, when I first started uni I often forgot to eat meals
...what do the public, the great unobservant public, who could hardly tell a weaver by his tooth or a compositor by his left thumb, care about the finer shades of analysis and deduction!