babybird wrote:
For me personally I just don't find men in there 20s attractive.
Me either! Of course, I don't find men attractive, so there is that... Coincidentally, on Friday I stopped for coffee. I was the only customer and they walked a new employee through the process of making my drink. There were nine barista's working; and every one of them was supposed to be a young, good-looking young woman in her early twenties. During the six or seven minutes I was there, I tried to figure out what I would have found appealing about them when I was in
my twenties and I couldn't do it. I'm sure a lot of guys would be drooling but I couldn't see it.
babybird wrote:
I just can't look at someone who is so much younger than me and want sex with them.
Yeah. Even if one of those nine young women had the perfect personality for me, I'm just getting too old for show and tell.