Fnord wrote:
Muse933277 wrote:
For those of you unfamiliar with the term, SMV is short for Sexual Market Value. Your sexual market value is how attractive you are to the opposite sex. The higher your SMV, the easier it will be to attract partners, and to attract higher quality partners as well.
It is an attempt to more clearly define and quantify the sexist "Attractiveness Scale" applied by some males to women.
"Julia Roberts? She's an 8 or a 9 . . . maybe a 10, but only if it is closing time."Actually, the most important Sexual Market Value is one's own, be it man or woman. When we counsel other men to get in shape, get and hold a job, exercise, keep groomed and wear clean age appropriate clothes, pay down and stay out of debt, stop watching porn, put away childish things, we are suggesting how they might make themselves more attractive to more women (or any women). Which I think is what the OP is asking here.