The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Most likely It means your son is not attractive for the girls of his own age; and usually this is a sign that he's going to struggle in this even later during his adult life.
I don't think this is necessarily the case at 17 for several reasons.
For one thing, it's still fairly common and normal to be a virgin or never had a girlfriend before at 17. The average age to lose virginity is around 17-18, which means at least half of 17 years olds are still virgins.
Second, many 17 year olds arne't fully physically developed yet. It's entirely possible that OP's son is a late bloomer and he will grow into his looks when he's in his early twenties. Also, some 17 year old's will continue to get taller, although this is a minority of guys.
Now if OP's son is 25, and has been trying to find a girlfriend for years and is unsuccessful, then I would agree that he's simply not attractive enough for girls his age.
Nobody winds up a 30 year old virgin (not by choice) without a major obstacle that's preventing them from being successful in the sexual marketplace.