never played Mash before. never heard of Mash before. 40 years old and in california.
first crush: derek, cousin, he was about 14 and i was about 10.
5th grade, teaching assistant, Leo, crush
21, bastian, structural engineering teaching assistant
21, casey, structural engineering teaching assistant
18, jeff, ucsd
19, professor dowell
when i was 18, schoolmate daniel p. asked if i wanted to date him, but it was already second semester senior year and i was going to college the next semester.
nobody has ever invited me on a date before, besides that.
gave up on social interactions, much less romantic relationships, a longfuck time ago.
i am autistic.
also been on testosterone for six years to transition from female to male.
nobody is ever going to wanna date me.
besides, 40 already pretty old. 35 is "geriatric pregnancy".