I think this can definitely be a problem, either "too tall" or "too short," the discrimination exists. But that doesn't mean you can't be happy.
For one thing, where you live has a huge impact on this, at least it has in my life. Where I grew up, I could look around the grocery store and rarely see anyone, male or female, taller than me. It was pretty uncomfortable at times, and I am "only" 5'9". When I transferred colleges across the state, suddenly I was "normal" height for a girl, with lots of girls and guys taller than me, and I no longer felt so self-conscious. This made a HUGE difference.
Secondly, I had a lot of crushes on short guys growing up (and I felt uncomfortable being too tall, and often wondered if this was why they weren't interested in me). Now, my husband is the same height as me, and he always says he is shorter or not tall enough but honestly it does not bother me, and must not have bothered him that much either, because there's so much else we love about each other it ceased to be an issue.
Most of the guys I have been attracted to in my life were significantly shorter than me and other guys around them (5'3', 5'4). Why? I don't know, it's not that I am attracted to the idea of short guys, in fact I admit that most women have on their list of perfect guys someone taller than them (although I didn't, since my first crush was on a guy much shorter than me). I just ended up liking them. The best thing you can do personality wise is be positive about your height and have a good sense of humor about it, and any girl worth having will cease being bothered about it or about what her friends say. Forget the platform shoes... they have to come off sometime and you want to show confidence (even assumed) rather than trying to cover up your height.