Arbie wrote:
I become completely inept. I can't talk to them, or if I can it is awkward, I blush, I get physically hot and perspire. I hate it.
I can act normal enough if it is an internet thing but in person I am a mess.
This describes most of my previous crushes, but only if I'm interacting with them in a manner that might suggest I like them. The couple times I've directly approached girls for a date, I get physically ill. My heart races, I sweat, feel dizzy, and generally lose it.
If I interact with them formally, or they approach me, I'm fine. As long as it can't be construed as me trying to hit on them, I'm perfectly cool. I remember a girl I had a crush on in college who was in one of my classes. In that setting, I couldn't look her in the eye or talk to her. One night, however, she came to the store I worked at and paid for some items at my register. I was able to smile and talk to her fine.
I'm a bit worried as of late, as I haven't gotten that gut churning feeling in a long time. No one makes me nervous anymore.