Spot17 wrote:
I know waiting for something like this is extremely frustrating. I wish I could give you some good advice on how to get your mind off it, but I'd be doing the same thing if I was in your position.
I will throw this out there though. If you don't hear back from her, don't contact her to find out what's going on. She might need some space to think about it (or there might be something else going on in her life that is preventing her getting back to you - who knows?). You don't want to come off as too emotionally needy.
So far, you seem to be doing great.
Thanks Spot17...
I don't know about others but I often get very paranoid and feel that others, especially those I'm attracted to, lose all sense of respect for me and start disliking me...
Well her sister deleted me from her facebook friends but logic says it's probably because she doesn't know me or something...
And I texted Heather on the 26th, but early on in the day which is unusual by me... she didn't reply.
Little things like that make me think people lose respect for me...
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and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
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