Pandora wrote:
LePetitPrince wrote:
I asked my friend to tell her I was autistic - NOT fully diagnosed yet...
big she dislikes you more than anytime else.
That's a very discriminatory attitude you know.
No , I am just talking reality . Most girls would think that the guy is creating an excuse for his weaknesses and this is a big turn off for them.
Mild autism/asperger is not like a skin disease or like william syndrome , it's not easily 'visible' and cannot really be recognized by regular people people may recognize a mild autistic as odd or stupid but not as mild autistic.
Saying something like : "oh please . understand my difficulties , I have autism" would give the girl the impression that the guy is trying to use or create an excuse for his weaknesses or trying to win her through pity even if the guy really mean it but most girls (NTs) would misunderstood that all cases,it's turn off for girls.