rushfanatic wrote:
I remember in 6th grade this very , very mean boy whipped his head back at me for no reason and said I was so fu908ing ugly I would never get married..all within 3 seconds...I was very hurt,and he spoke the truth...years went by, my braces came off, my glasses switched to contacts, I lost weight, straightened my hair, and blossomed...I 've been married for over 20 years, and have been asked if I was ever a model on seperate occasions...I am still the ugly duckiling inside when people comment on my physical traits, I feel uncomfortable..However, I am now more comfortable in my skin at age 40 than I was at 18.......make sense?
To be honest, no, it doesn't make much sense to me. First of all you said that he spoke the truth and you're married. I'm having trouble putting two and two together here.