How Do You Feel About The Words, "I Love You"?

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Sea Gull
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16 Jan 2008, 3:48 pm

I say it way more than I used to but, like many others here, it sounds hollow when I say it even though I know it's true. It's like an automatic response more than anything. Like I know I should say it so I do. I feel it inside but I don't feel the need to express it by saying it. Does that make sense?


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16 Jan 2008, 3:49 pm

sonny1471 wrote:
I say it way more than I used to but, like many others here, it sounds hollow when I say it even though I know it's true. It's like an automatic response more than anything. Like I know I should say it so I do. I feel it inside but I don't feel the need to express it by saying it. Does that make sense?

yes, many have that


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16 Jan 2008, 3:58 pm

Those words are something that I'm just unable to say, no matter what the situation is.


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16 Jan 2008, 4:16 pm

Those words are words that I dont think I've ever said but sometimes I think it like once in a great while. But in a way it can be useless. I remember my cousin sayin "we love you but...." And she was yelling at me at the time and trying to enforce her opinion which I hated. Love? Yeah right.


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16 Jan 2008, 4:21 pm

All my aspie s-i-l wanted to hear from his beloved son was, "I love you." And he got the best Christmas present this year when his son told him, "I love you."


I think there must be some chronic learning disability that is so prevalent among NT's that it goes unnoticed by the "experts". Krex


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16 Jan 2008, 4:44 pm

AdvenaIngenium wrote:
Age1600 wrote:
Those words are sooo hard for me to get out of my mouth. I've only said it to my brother whom passed away, thats it. I think those words shouldnt be thrown around personally!

I'm the same way. It's extraordinarily rare that I ever say it. Pretty much never, actually.

I would say that the same for me, well it is in regards to anyone except my children and then have no problem saying it.

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16 Jan 2008, 5:01 pm

I don't feel that I understand what the words "I love you" really mean. On an emotional level that is. My mother has told me that she loves me many times, I never know how to respond.


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16 Jan 2008, 5:08 pm

I said once I love you. Italics were needed because what I meant was that I loved the addressee and not another woman.

Sea Gull
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16 Jan 2008, 6:07 pm

It's a cute little phrase, and sometimes I think I meant it. But what would normally happen to me is the girl I say it to starts saying it every 8 seconds (practically) and it's kind of hard to not say it back without sounding like a dick or getting yelled at.

I like the idea of saying "I love you because of" or "That's why I love you" etc. That is a nice idea, and I may try to purposely institute that into my next relationship.

It doesn't need to be said, because words can be given to anybody, but when it isn't a lie it's fun to hear? I prefer actions myself. Let me SHOW you how I love you. Please SHOW me. We need not speak about it all the time.?


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16 Jan 2008, 6:54 pm

I agree with those who say that the words are hollow without some act to back them up. I don't like saying them because after a while they lose their meaning.

I said I love you for years to my parents without reeeeaalllllyyyy meaning it, but now that i'm away from them I mean the words. Its like the word has to earn its meaning before I say it....there must be some experience that contributes to it

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16 Jan 2008, 7:05 pm

When I say it to my children I really do feel and mean it.

Yet never been able to feel or say it to my mother, father, brothers, sisters or anyway else!

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16 Jan 2008, 7:26 pm

Cyanide wrote:
It kinda pisses me off how the verb "to love" has been bastardized so much that it has lost most of its meaning. So many people go around and say "Oh mah gawd I love you!" to all of their friends and random people. Its asinine, I think. Myself? I don't say it too often.

I agree. I only say it when I really mean it. On the other hand, once I have said it to someone I really do love, I will say it every time I am saying goodbye on the phone. And I mean it every time. For example, when I am saying goodbye to my parents or my brother in law, I say "Love you. Bye" at the end of a phone conversation. Every time.


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16 Jan 2008, 10:31 pm

That phrase is a loaded weapon..


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16 Jan 2008, 10:53 pm

AdvenaIngenium wrote:
Age1600 wrote:
Those words are sooo hard for me to get out of my mouth. I've only said it to my brother whom passed away, thats it. I think those words shouldnt be thrown around personally!

I'm the same way. It's extraordinarily rare that I ever say it. Pretty much never, actually.

Me too.

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16 Jan 2008, 10:54 pm

Maybe I'll just be content with actions. They're visual too, which is an added bonus.

I feel the society that The Giver is set in has definite aspie traits.

For instance, when Jonas asks his parents if they love him, he is met with this reply:

"And of course our community can't function smoothly if people don't use precise language. You could ask, 'Do you enjoy me?' The answer is 'Yes,' his mother said.

"Or," his father suggested, " 'Do you take pride in my accomplishments?' And the answer is wholeheartedly 'Yes.' "

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16 Jan 2008, 11:39 pm

I remember the time I met someone and we got to know each other that week by hanging out every day. I invited him over to my house and we ended up starting to kiss and after the second kiss he said "I think I love you." It absolutely frightened me and I thought about just pulling the plug but gave him another chance. IT was a very loaded statement because all expectations were raised with those words. HE turned on me completely when I ended things with him.