OneLastBreath wrote:
I have a question for people who have been or are in a relationship with someone without AS. My question is how do you deal with melt downs and blow ups and all the other fits that may occur in the relationship?
You see I am in this relationship that is amazing and I really don't want to loose it just because one day, one of my fits gets out of control. I haven't hit anyone in a long time, but I do get very violent and thrash when I freak out. I throw things a lot and I know this bothers her, but I just cant express it any other way. I REALLY don't want to loose her!! !![b]
It sounds like you acknowledge how scary this must be for her, which is a good thing. She needs to know for absolute certain that you will never lay a finger on her. I used to go out with someone (NT) who would shout and scream at me for saying things he didn't like or for putting the TV on the wrong channel. It seriously screwed me up.
Maybe you could go running - long cycle rides are also very good. I also notice a lot of men get extremely violent at metal and other hard rock gigs, not something i approve of since it makes it harder for me to go to gigs! But I can see how it might be useful to you. Ditto shooting.
I would think that if you walked into your doctors surgery and said you were worried you were going to be violent towards someone else you would get help very easily.