Dantac wrote:
not meaning to offend anyone but consider the fact that there ARE many women in this world that would consider YOU filthy rich.
I hear time and again stories of people that are piss broke and have lousy jobs and yet get themselves some supermodel looking wives because they come from really impoverished countries.
Its just a matter of perspective... but survival always takes precedence.
In the case of Mr. Trump's wenches... maybe theirs was a social survival type of situation. But then again, they could also just be money grubbin' ho's
Lebanon is maybe one of the poorest countries in the middle east , loads rich single Arab guys, princes,businessmen from the nearby oil Gulf countries come to Lebanon every summer seeking for a bride because girls here are prettier than theirs and have attractive Mediterranean looks (sometimes they seek for a second ,third or even for fourth bride) , they grab the prettiest brides and go back with them to their countries, It's like a duck season.
Maybe I would have more chance if I seek a bride in Iraq or Afghanistan