Bluesummers wrote:
What's so wrong with a desperate need to be loved? Can anyone be content, in their own little world, with only their self to accompany them? Of course not, anyone who says otherwise is lying or living in their own dream world in which someone does accompany them.
I'm a selfish person, I guess I can admit. But it's only to those I don't care the very core of my being, I want nothing else but to find someone to understand and love me, so that I can do everything I can for them.
It's my only goal in life, to be loved. I don't care about jobs, status, material possessions or whatnot...I just want someone to be by my side. I'm so tired of being alone, so awfully doesn't seem to matter who I talk to or what side of myself I seem to portray anymore. I can't stand it, and so I can't move on.
I'll continue hating myself for my faults, and others for shunning me for them. I need to forgive myself for my mistakes, but I don't feel I'm strong enough by myself. I don't want to be alone anymore.
Wow, I never thought I would be reading about myself here