Morrissey wrote:
Hi, although you probably may laugh at the title, well, yes it is funny, as in 'isn't life funny' type of way, however...
It's true, my office colleague (and kind of lunch buddy) who interacts with me on a deep level and plays mind games with me 9-5 wants me to get her pregnant, she already has a boyfriend but I guess her priority is in having a child, be it a rather odd way of going about it, she hasn't said this out loud and directly but she keeps going on about all these recent films - Juno, Knocked Up and Accidental Pregnancy and asking if I like them, and she said today she keeps having reoccuring dreams of pregnancy, the signals are pretty clear and because i'm so dam well innocent, passive and vulnerable it's kind of scaring me a bit. Especially as I have told her before that I find her attractive. I think i'm going to have to be mean in response to her, she is so manipulative but my mind blindness doesn't pick up on everything she does and therefore I am easily lead in conversation.
I've never had a girlfriend and she knows it, she knows i'm innocent and she knows I find her attractive, I just hope she doesn't boil bunnies.
any advice how to handle this absurd scenario?
Honestly, i have mixed views about this situation/scenario. I think either she is just playing mind games with you, messing aroung with you and just jokeing around with you. All you have to do is not make yourself look too desperate in front of her eyes and do not show too much interest in her, and maybe she won't mess around with your mind then.