acousticvalley wrote:
May I be honest with you people here? I am a person who has low self esteem and who needs constant reassurance. I need a girlfriend who will give me praise a lot and hug me and rub my back and kiss my forehead. I need a girlfriend who will treat me like a puppy dog. I know this may sound childish but it's just my nature, I am like a dog. I don't feel comfortable unless a girl is treating me with a lot of affection, is that acceptable? I want it to be, it's what I want. Surely it must be okay? I feel kind of ashamed to be so needy because it's not seen as a desirable trait in a male I suppose, but I can't help the way I am, I was born this way. And I just need a girl who can respect that and live with it. I just needed to say that, thank you.
Is anyone else like me here?
Well, I will try to be honest with you. I too, was very much like this. In my mind, my soul-mate would have been this physically strong and attractive woman, with a gentle, motherly personality. And, like you, I wanted her to protect me. I thought I would spread her legs, crawl into her womb, curl up into the fetal position, and sleep forever.
But I've discovered that the sooner you divorce from this fantasy the better. Men protect weak women; we're expected to. But women do not protect weak men. On the contrary, they despise them. If there exists a girl for you who will give you the affection and praise you seek, she will be (at most) your equal, or inferior to you. In either case, you will have to be her safe haven nearly as much. If she is truly your soulmate you will be able to do this in a way no other can.
Love is not a lottery, where you can invest a little and hope to get a lot back eventually. Instead, you invest a lot, thinking not of what you'll get back (because sometimes you'll get less than you put in), but only how good it feels to give.
And remember that, as Bertrand Russell once said, love seems to find those who don't appear to be seeking it.
"And lo, the beast looked upon the face of beauty. And beauty stayed his hand. And from that day on, he was as one dead."