zee wrote:
Why completely change what you say instead of just posting again? That's what I get for not quoting you...
I don't try at all to depict women as anything. That's your depictive processes working there, pal. But I ask you this, if women are so predicable, then why don't all the desperate guys on here (who are always saying they want a girlfriend) have girlfriends?
Yeah, some women will say that they like 'bad boys', and it's true that guys who march to their own beat are attractive, as that's a form of confidence. But slapping a label on yourself is not only lame, but it usually indicates that you're trying to be something you're not, ie covering up your insecurities. Thus self-professed bad-boys are usually anything but.
To answer your question-part of the reason they dont have girlfriends, in fact that MAJOR reason is that women are wired to find certain traits in men to be sexually attractive and the guys here do not posess those traits and so MOST women dont want them. If I were famous, such as if I were a rockstar theres NO DOUBT in my mind that I'd have scores of women trying to hook up with me. Its so obvious that good social skills are highly attractive to women and if you lack them you gotta make up for it.
As for myself, what Ive discovered is while most women arent into me, there are Some who actually ARE. Part of the problem for me is that such women are pretty rare and hard to find. The mating game operates on principles which closely parallel the economic principles of market dynamics.Might I add, Men are JUST as predictable too-dont get the impression that Im singling out women as being more predictable than men. Ive come to view humans as being exceedingly mechanical creatures who's behaviour is motived by a combination of internal drives.
Last edited by D1nk0 on 13 Apr 2008, 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.