Purplefluffychainsaw wrote:
Daewoodrow wrote:
No, doubt that would work for me anyway. The odds of meeting a girl who has Aspergers who happens to live in the same town as me are astronomical. In fact I don't think i've ever met any person online who lives in the same town as me. English people are fairly dispersed online.
Ahah... I almost went to canterbury uni. >>;; Before I discovered Brookes it was where I wanted to go. So maybe it's not so impossible after all.
Ah well, I wont rule anything out then. My university does have an Aspergers meeting group, but I doubt i'll be finding love there. Besides, just because a woman has Aspergers too doesn't mean we'd make a good relationship.
As for the possibility of meeting a NT girl online, that's more likely, but still i'm not holding my breath.
Umquam sentio nex?