Daewoodrow wrote:
MissConstrue wrote:
Wow coming from a guy that's brilliant. Men know all about women and their values even if a woman disagrees. Brilliant, I must say.
I'm not looking to argue with you, I just want you to understand why I said that.
You say that like it's not right. Alot of people don't realise when they're doing something. In fact, that's alot of the problem with autism in the first place. I know you don't like the thought of someone saying they know aspects of someone else better than that person knows those aspects of themself, but it's entirely possible.
Just because a person might disagree with you when you point out their flaws, doesn't mean they aren't flawed. Otherwise we could all diagnose ourselves with Autism, because afterall, how could a psychologist's opinion on our personality matter more than our own?
I'm sorry if you disagree, but the fact is alot of women let their emotions cloud their judgement. They feel a certain way about a certain type of person and suddenly that guy is the smartest, kindest guy in the world.
Wow, not to be anything but observant here is my take on this reply.
Holy cows man, learn to take a compliment.
A simple thank you would have easily worked. That's another thing that keeps a lot of aspies out of the dating world. We talk way too damn much. Yeah we think a lot and have a lot going on upstairs but seriously I have taught myself there is a time and a place for everything even my opinions. Now I focus on the women herself more than me.
But an insiders tip. All "Alpha" males know how to take a compliment.
With a thank you and a smile.
"The world is dying; time to suit up"