ToadOfSteel wrote:
MADDuck wrote:
ebec11 wrote:
I just feel like nobody will take the time to get to know me...I'm a really good person, honest, serious, sweet...I know I'm insecure, and not many people like Autism...but I'm really nice
I just want a boyfriend that's loyal and likes that so much to ask?
Unfortunately it is too much to ask.
guys like that already have boyfriends.
umm, don't you mean "girlfriends"? Unless you were talking about gay men, of course...
Well, for the sake of argument, i'll assume you meant "girlfriend", so here goes... I've never had a girlfriend. I have the same problem the OP has: wanting to find someone who would be loyal and likes me, and I can't find any women that fit both... I've known women that are good loyal friends, but not necessarily liking me (including one i actually developed a deep attraction towards, only to permanently screw my chances with her...), and women that were attracted to me (or at least faked it well), but deep down were your garden-variety NT backstabber...
I've been told that I'm extremely loyal and accepting of people (except towards people that don't accept me). The OP sounds like the kind of person i would normally want to date. If you weren't in canada and were at least 2 years older than you are now, i would probably be sending you a PM. (unfortunately, here in the States, a 20 year old going out with someone who is under 18 is considered a creep... part of why tim said he was too old...)
I can relate, I'm loyal and have only ever had one gf. In my case, some women do like me, but only ever as a friend; in the past few
years, there's only been one girl that *might* have liked me in a relationship kind of way, and maybe a couple of girls that were attracted to me (but knew nothing about me). Evidently, loyalty is not, in practice, attractive to most - I guess it's out of fashion.
To the OP: From what I've seen, the girls that do go for loyal men do very well for the most part, unless they act as someone they're not. So you have good reason to be optimistic. You sound very nice, if I were your age and in your area I would have PMed you to suggest a meet to get to know each other.
I am the steppenwolf that never learned to dance. (Sedaka)
El hombre es una bestia famélica, envidiosa e insaciable. (Francisco Tario)
I'm male by the way (yes, I know my avatar is misleading).