Grisha wrote:
Skeletal or voluptuous, it's all fine with me as long as a woman takes care of herself physically; there are much more important things than looks.
But I'm sorry, there is nothing "beautiful" about heart disease, type-II diabetes, kidney failure, cancer, and premature death.
If that makes me "shallow" then I'm guilty as charged: if you want to kill yourself with food, do it on someone else's time...
i would take the word shallow out of quotation marks, maybe. it's really about your own personal aesthetic preferences. which is fine, but call a spade a spade.
skeletal can just as unhealthy as overweight, and notably, if you have a heart attack, you are more likely to survive if you are overweight than if you are skinny or ideal weight.
anyway, alcohol consumption costs the american health care system a lot more every year than obesity. so if you are even a moderate drinker, you could be causing an undue burden on the health care system. people being overweight does not equal killing themselves with food.
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