WonderWoman wrote:
PsychonautChaos wrote:
Joking response(didn't really happen): I was really lonely one day so I used my imagination to invent a girlfriend for myself. At first it seemed like the perfect relationship she did everything I wanted, never complained, was tolerant of everything strange about it. There were many drawbacks though, for example each time I tried to kiss or make my move on her in a public place, people would always stare at us, she must have given up a bad wibe or something. We had our ups and downs but things really got broken up when during a dream a anime character flirted with me. When I broke up my imaginary girlfriend was staring at me with intense hatred. I tried to explain to her that I didn't really had control in a dream, and that it wasn't my fault. That's when she became really complusive, and began stalking me everywhere. I couldn't even get any help from anybody else because no one believed she was real, and I couldn't file a restraining order because I didn't really know her bio.
Yet eventually I summoned an imaginary Judge Fudge who filed the restraining order, we're now seperated but I think it's better that way. She still invades my dreams sometimes though, I usually try to be nice to her then and I even found her a new boyfriend. He's an umpa-lumpa.
Da-um! Can't even keep going in the imaginary world! Well I hope it was a good learning experience for all of you.
(Joking response (total fantasy) : The upma- lumpa works in the factory, so he get's a lot of chocolote. So she got a little overweight. And blames me for that because "I've made her depressed". And conversly I'm no longer that attracted to her, so our chances of getting back together are even lower.
I understand her resentment, but I always try to remember the good times of our relationship. Plus I got a really good deal in the hentai market for the video tapes I made with her during our relationship. People still wonder how a hentai movie could be done in live-action-animation format.
Thank you for reading this post.