Serissa wrote:
If you turned into a man, I'd still date you. -rimshot- I wonder how you'd look as a chick? I really need to manip a picture to find out.
Honestly, I voted that it didn't matter that much to me. I don't think I'd be MORE interested though. Mostly, I'd be very, very confused.
I've often wondered how I'd look as a chick too.
But if you were a guy, you might just be . . . a straight male friend.
(BTW, I am assuming this thread question refers to a complete, spontaneous, magical sex change and not the one that requires extensive surgery and hormonal preperations. Transsexuals just make my skin crawl.)
"And lo, the beast looked upon the face of beauty. And beauty stayed his hand. And from that day on, he was as one dead."