Tips for finding a girlfriend

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08 Nov 2005, 2:38 am

Nomaken wrote:
I'm single, and i've had 1 girlfriend. And that girlfriend was a desperate nymphomaniac. A nice person, but very very horny. And i'm not just judging her because i'm not with her anymore. I got a lot of evidence. So suffice it to say i got her on no real act of my own, i was just lucky. So my advice is only as valuable as that.

But here goes.

First thing is be attractive. It is an unfortunate truth of reality that people judge books by their covers. And even if you would perefer the kind of person reading that book to care more about the content of the story than the cover, generally few people have the ability to see some peculiar style to the otherwise bland cover which implies the true depth of the content.

You dont need to be beautiful according to our culture. You can't turn your face into something it is not, but almost without exception you can arrange your body to be some level of attractive with the features you are equipped with. The message you are really trying to transmit is that you care about how you look.

The way you do this is by slaving away at being healthy and in shape, and worrying over things like dressing and sh** like that. The whole excersize is a huge pain in the ass. And the further you are away from beauty in whatever culture you live in you naturally are the harder you are going to have to work.

You could be lucky and find somebody who doesnt mind someone unhealthy, but you are far more likely to find the perfect person you want if you go that extra mile.... that extra 5...6...17 miles.

All good advice, but I don't know where to find people. I don't go to school.


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08 Nov 2005, 2:51 am

Do you interact with people during the day? If you don't adopt some hobbies which necessitate working with someone. If you do, attempt to create a regular interaction with the same people. Then become friends. Then become friends with their friends. People networks are very expansive, eventually you should run into single people you're interested in.

And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
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08 Nov 2005, 3:12 am

Do you interact with people during the day?

No, don't know where, or how.

If you don't adopt some hobbies which necessitate working with someone.

Like what? I really don't know what I could do, I normally enjoy working with technology.


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08 Nov 2005, 5:19 am

1. Don't try real hard or at least try harder to act like you aren't

2. The better looking he/she is the more you want to show them that your selecting them, not vice a versa (ie. flirtatious mock-aloofness, cracking on em, etc.)

3. Make em laugh above all else

4. Do as much as you can to let moments speak for themselves rather than trying to articulate it all

5. Do everything you can to have your personal resonance ratchetted up. Try to eminate the kind of energy which you feel would in and of itself offer them reward in talking to or being arround you.

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08 Nov 2005, 9:06 am

I think not talking too much is probably a good idea if you want to find a girlfriend. Letting someone else get a word in will generally be better.

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08 Nov 2005, 11:36 am

Try saving them from being tied to some traintracks, or from a burning building, or getting their kitten down from a tree, or saving their aunt from a creepy guy with tentacles attached to his back, or bust them out of prison, or just make a really really cheesey pick-up line. Or tell them I sent you. ;)


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08 Nov 2005, 4:06 pm

alex wrote:
I think not talking too much is probably a good idea if you want to find a girlfriend. Letting someone else get a word in will generally be better.

Well, there's a right and a wrong way to do that. If you seem to put off a strong, sexy, and intelligent vibe when your quiet then yeah, it'll grab people's interest and they'll love a good listener. However, if you have wierd expressionality and have to do a lot of personal selling or at least enough as to keep people remembering that your normal at heart, the best strategy is to work on humor and keeping that connection (I mean having enough give and take to where you can listen but then again keeping yourself talking enough to maintain their trust and keep her from feeling like your that scary guy from 'Patch Adams'). They have a book called Comedy Writer's Secrets' thats out there, I'm thinking about having a look into that just to help myself have more quick whit to throw at that problem.

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09 Nov 2005, 4:00 pm

dont wast your time. just have sex with your hand

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14 Nov 2005, 10:26 am

exactly ! and hack a lot of porn websites, and download hundreds of XXX dvds !


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30 Nov 2005, 1:15 pm

Thagomizer wrote:
Try waving a twenty in her face while pointing to your crotch. It works every time. Trust me on this guys.

See the "To get the ladies..." thred in the mature forum for my comment on that advice...

(he posted it there to)

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30 Nov 2005, 9:54 pm

joku_muko wrote:
Be yourself.

I've already figured out that being myself turns everyone off.

And if you're an Aspie, how do you possibly make someone laugh with you, not at you?

Most girls won't give Aspies a damn chance. I swear they have a database of all the Aspies around the world somewhere, and they automatically know which people to avoid.


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01 Dec 2005, 12:18 am

Take an assesment of yourself & play up your stregnths.

When I say that I do not mean create something that is not you but rather look at what is going for you.
However everything starts with faith-- in yourself. reconize your stregnths & believe in it

A. Brains: a smart man is a very attractive man-- but here's the key -- if you know you are smart then you don't have to show it except when needed --hands on. Without trying to pick on a member-- a good example of the wrong way to do this is look at the mature forum. There's an over-confident member that comes across as trolling while trying to cram down our throats his theories-- very annoying. On the flipside (although I've been here a few days so I'm talking about what I have read so far)...take IrishMic & Alex.... their opinions seem more enlighting but to the point. As a result -- they rise on the sexiness scale.

B. Focused: A determined man exudes power -- at the same time it's better to be determined on a realistic goal & not a far fetch belief or even a person, genra or game. example: the guy from the mature forum vs. Bill Gates. Do I need to go into further details here???

C. Details: It's the little things that will be remembered. Noticing that she was reading Robert Frost poetry last week and asking her what her favorite poem was. Taking note of her pet peeve & then avoid it at all costs.... Buying her starbucks coffee exactly how she like it.. it's the small things that can really impress her because it shows that you notice her and are considerate enough to keep her feelings in mind. Now don't just walk up to a girl with a detailed list of her likes & dislikes for the first meeting of saying hello-- you would come across as stalking :P just take things one at a time.

D. Kindness: an endearing man can touch a women's heart-- Now I've read at different places that AS are stereotypically self focused, yet there is pleanty of threads here that disproves such notions. Kindness is just placing yourself in other's shoes-- and asking yourself how would I want to be handled in this situation-- then do so. There's a belief that nice guys finish last & girls go for the bad guys. Actually women see the bad guys as being confident and that is what is so attractive. However those relationships turn sour because the guys are so "bad" , yet the nice guys who are confident don't come across as being "nice". Instead they come across as being sexy. :wink:

These of course are just my opinions.. take them as you will-- but it can be applied to every guy at this forum.

Good luck!! :wink:


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01 Dec 2005, 6:09 am

Always respect them. I think that speaks for itself.
And never try and force them into anything or jump at their throat because they love something you hate. Be nice to them and if you're nice to them and talk to them openly and honestly you'll at least make a good friend out of it, if not a girlfriend (or boyfriend). And his/her friends may have other friends who you can get to know better and you have a network!


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01 Dec 2005, 7:09 am

Alot of what is posted here is simler to what I do execpt the be your self thread. I think I actually pull off the slightly confident intellegent guy perfectly. I also do the fitness and style good too. I work out alot to keep fit. This is great because keeping fit means I look better and I don't have to work that hard to find girls that are interested. One problem is though lately I have not been in any groups or any thing but I am about to join a course in computers at tech so I should meet some people again like I did last time I went to PolyTech

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