Nice Guys and Love, what's your take on the issue

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01 Sep 2008, 6:28 am

MrMark wrote:
Consider this. Some women like men who act like as*holes. Is that the type of woman you want to be with, one whose tastes run that way, one who demonstrates such poor judgement?

Exactly. That's what I'm trying to say!

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01 Sep 2008, 6:53 am

Cyberman wrote:
Betterclassed wrote:
Cyberman wrote:
Anyway... The way I see it, shallow women are always going to be attracted to shallow men... and since we don't fit their shallow standards, they're not attracted to us. I guess the key for Aspie guys is to avoid shallow women and find the ones who have real personalities... the ones who don't have BS standards for what they want in a man. If she's too busy waiting for Prince Charming to come along, then you'll know she's too superficial for you anyway.

I know this has been talked about before, but I guess it needs to be emphasized again.

That because you present yourself as boring and well really just simply dull. As I have, said many times before to people. Build some confidence and stop obsessing over one thing. Be "open minded".

What does that have to do with my post? You see, the problem with a lot of guys on WP is that we tend to put all women into one category... doesn't work that way. There is no single behavior that "ALL" women follow. Like us, they're individual people, and every individual has different tastes. Not all women want "bad boys," and not every guy has to be an "Alpha Male." You guys need to stop focusing on how to get the shallow women with the shallow standards and start focusing on how to find the women who can appreciate your qualities.

You seem a little misguided. Why are they "shallow" to you. You must be living in wrong part of the world mate. In what way did I suggest that you had to be "bad boy". I said add a little "anarchy". Meaning, break the shell. You can still be nice, and be carefree. You seem to act on absolutes that you have aquired from may seem to be bad experience. Anyway, why are you asking for sympathy and wasting time. This venting stuff is getting ridiculous really. Of course there are women out there looking more "quiet" guys but honestly why are you so obessed with being in a shell all the time. Surely you must open up sometime for someone. Your best friend maybe. Look, all I was saying or at least trying to get across is that being in a shell. Sitting there, bearly talking to anyone, is dull. How often have people talked to you because you were like that? Not many I assume. Why are you so afraid, to be yourself?


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01 Sep 2008, 7:23 am

OK... I was actually trying to be "positive" for once. Usually, I'm really cynical about this stuff. And now you're criticizing me... I don't see why...

Betterclassed wrote:
You seem a little misguided. Why are they "shallow" to you.

OK, I'm NOT talking about all women... only the ones who don't like "nice guys"... the ones who always go after jerks because they mistake them for "Prince Charming" or whatever despite getting hurt numerous times by them. These women have misguided ideas about who to date, and it would be best for most of us to avoid them.
Betterclassed wrote:
You must be living in wrong part of the world mate.

Damn right I am.
Betterclassed wrote:
In what way did I suggest that you had to be "bad boy". I said add a little "anarchy". Meaning, break the shell. You can still be nice, and be carefree.

Betterclassed wrote:
You seem to act on absolutes that you have aquired from may seem to be bad experience. Anyway, why are you asking for sympathy and wasting time. This venting stuff is getting ridiculous really.

I'm not "venting" or asking for "sympathy." Like I said, I'm just trying to give a more positive perspective on this. I'm saying that there are women out there who actually like guys like us, and those are the ones that we should be looking for.

Am I wrong? Is conformity to cultural standards the only possible way?


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01 Sep 2008, 7:37 am


Okay folks so I'm a noob to the forums - let's just get that out of the way. Howdy y'all.

I'm 41, and for many, many years I realized I had an issue with what I call dialectic thinking - this is a pretentious though valid technical term for "all or nothing" thinking. This applied not just to my pathetic attempts at romance when a teen, but often through college, and to everything.

Some of us Aspies tend to over-categorize, over-analyze, over-classify the world because we feel we need to do so in order to understand it. However, most people don't; most NTs simply seek out the people they're most attracted to, the jobs that seem most appealing, the sports or other things they most fun doing, and they don't analyze it. We are different because we do.

As many women as exist in this world, are as many different women; each has their own physicality, attitude, intellect, and depth. Dudes, and dudettes, no one does themselves any favors by pigeonholing everything they see. Instead, you merely limit the enjoyment and appreciation you can gain from the world.

It took a *huge* amount of effort to get to this point in my life, in terms of my attitude. I was helped along by a gorgeous woman who is just as smart and quirky as me.

Maybe until we get to this point we should seek out AS women, as they understand us. They are rare gems. And to pay a compliment to one female on this board, obviously gorgeous AS women do exist, and they are nice and willing to relate.

Just my 2 cents.

Snowy Owl
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01 Sep 2008, 8:01 am

warrenpeace wrote:

Okay folks so I'm a noob to the forums - let's just get that out of the way. Howdy y'all.

I'm 41, and for many, many years I realized I had an issue with what I call dialectic thinking - this is a pretentious though valid technical term for "all or nothing" thinking. This applied not just to my pathetic attempts at romance when a teen, but often through college, and to everything.

Some of us Aspies tend to over-categorize, over-analyze, over-classify the world because we feel we need to do so in order to understand it. However, most people don't; most NTs simply seek out the people they're most attracted to, the jobs that seem most appealing, the sports or other things they most fun doing, and they don't analyze it. We are different because we do.

As many women as exist in this world, are as many different women; each has their own physicality, attitude, intellect, and depth. Dudes, and dudettes, no one does themselves any favors by pigeonholing everything they see. Instead, you merely limit the enjoyment and appreciation you can gain from the world.

It took a *huge* amount of effort to get to this point in my life, in terms of my attitude. I was helped along by a gorgeous woman who is just as smart and quirky as me.

Maybe until we get to this point we should seek out AS women, as they understand us. They are rare gems. And to pay a compliment to one female on this board, obviously gorgeous AS women do exist, and they are nice and willing to relate.

Just my 2 cents.

Exactly, though I have to argue that sometimes Aspie women can also be quite the opposite. I have a friend like this. Maybe I should give the benefit of the doubt. Don't what to there. NTs are really easy to understand. For me at any rate. Oh and cyberman, I see your point. However in reality we should try other methods. That is all I'm really trying to say. Is conformity to cultural standards the only possible way? No we don't but trying something different is always good to try. It is really that most women are rised in this way, this environment. People have different takes on life, therefore some do seek us and them. I think really that would should give it a chance, I did and it is working out great. Not to say becoming a jerk is what I'm implying, nah just making it a little "different". Anyway, I see what you mean, and you are right it isn't great that this happens but what can you expect in the society that we're brought up in.


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01 Sep 2008, 8:24 am

Yes, I have much more success meeting women on AspieAffect than I do on PlentyOfFish, despite the fact that POF has about 100 times more members that AA. On AA I can just be myself.

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01 Sep 2008, 9:21 am

Perhaps we should start a thread called "how to be an ass to attract women."


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01 Sep 2008, 10:08 am

kerrissteen wrote:
AutisticMalcontent wrote:
First off all, nice guys are typically "normal"

i thought aspies definition of "normal" was NT and that normal NT male behaviour was being confident/charming/a jerk... this idea of being normal is just rubbish

women want nice men with a strong sense of integrity who treats them with respect, not a pushover

It is Harder for a Aspie then for a nice-guy sometime. Aspies like my self don’t care about status and social politics. As a result I am I am like a pushover because so not care about these social politics petty things. These things the nice guy might care about but might not be bold enough respond to. I am no pushover in regards to truth and logic and if people have hostile attitude towards others is based on illogic, false information or without enough evidence.

Put it this way. If you stuff enough testosterone into an nice guy, you will most likely get an Alpha male. If you do the same with an aspie, such as me, you will still get a pushover in regards to social politics, but be a bigger arrogant know-it-all. I have been accused of that from a hot headed member of staff.


Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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01 Sep 2008, 11:12 am

I think the key is to be nice, but still show a lot of confidence, therefore the girl will see that you can take care of her and she won't be stuck with someone who fails at everything he does. I tend to sometimes have an ego -- which I do, to be honest. Only I tend to propell my ego more so when around girls and then try to back it up. If you can be nice and teasingly be mean -- you have a better chance. I am lucky with my girlfriend, though -- because she never really knew a guy like me who cares about her the way I do. However, if you can show that you're not shy and overall just present yourself in an attractive, yet "siliently nice" way, then you're bound to do well. By siliently nice, I mean act nice, but not overly nice. When I am around my girlfriend's friends, I can be remotely mean to them, just to get a chuckle, even though it is all in good fun. Another tip is, once you've had a kiss with your girl, go ahead and spank them at one point... works for some people.... that's just my take.

If you play your cards right, you'll end up with a full house. Well, more like a house full of naked girls. LoL... Joke.


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01 Sep 2008, 11:44 am

i like nice guys... but i need a nice guy that's not too soft-spoken... simply because i tend to upset guys over random things that i unknowingly do... and i've been in long term relationships with the softspoken type and all they do is bottle it up and i have no idea what's going on until i make them explode or they give up on me in some way and all i can do is figure that they'd be happier elsewhere.

granted, i never knew about AS when i was in relationships (haven't been in one in over 2 yrs) and i do think i can better navigate myself around some pitfalls... but i do need someone who will kick my ass when it should be kicked.

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01 Sep 2008, 12:02 pm

I can't speak for anyone else, I can only speak for me. Just because you lack self-esteem and you let people trounce on you doesn't make you nice. Confidence comes in many different sizes and shapes. There is a big difference between confidence and cocky. I'm a nice guy, I'm very picky about the words I use as not to offend people and I'm always the first to suggest that people calm down when something begins to become hostile. I like to help others as much as I can, and maybe I give a little to much at times, but I'm hardly a pushover. Guys with that just get pillaged aren't nice, just like Alex from Clockwork Orange wasn't really a good person after they fixed him. You actually have to make a conscious decision to be something, it doesn't count if that's just what you fall into.

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01 Sep 2008, 1:53 pm

Interesting perspectives and opinions people. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who believes in the idea of "nice guys vs. jerks" when considering romantic relationships.

I thought I'd respond to some of you answers.

As for Kerrissteen,

I use the term "normal" and "nice guy" interchangibly because as far as I am concerned, a lot of autistic guys are naturally nice by nature, or at least the ones I have seen. Because we are autistic, we have a tendency to be passive, since we have a lot of trouble interacting socially and emotionally to certain stimulis.

So "nice guys" and "autistic guys" can roughly be used together. It is a bit of a generalization, not every autistic guy is nice, but it is easier to include them into the group of "nice guys".

I find your statement "women want nice men with a strong sense of integrity who treats them with respect" to be terribly ironic, because women say they want these qualities in guys, but they date guys who act the exact opposite often. That's why I said it is more than fitting that such lack of wisdom and sensibility results in heartache and the betrayal that a girl feels for not putting these things into account.

As for this:

"and as adorable as shy guys look from a distance, many of them are so withdrawn and caught up in their own fantasy world they don't even notice when nice girls are interested in them... then the only way to get their attention is to shove yourself in their face which only causes them to freak out and run away... the way I see it, shyness is just another form of narcissm"

I believe nice guys are self-absorbed for a very understandible reason, they have grown so used to being alone and used to seeing girls they like dating jerks, that they can only trust in themselves. As Betterclassed stated: "I think of it just as some barrier shy people make for themselves because there so afraid of the conseqencies of the worst case scenario". He is absolutely right, why should a nice guy trust when everything he has tried has been in vain? If experience has shown you that you can't rely on the girls you like, why you trust them?

THAT is the reason why when girls try to initiate things with a shy guy, they tend to be scared and run off. They don't trust the girl because from previous observations and past experiences, everything has told them that you can't trust them. There is also the fact that nice guys tend to be shy, and being as such, they are afraid of looking awkward. We nice guys need our shell, it may be cliche' that girls are often hurt by guys, but it is true that nice guys are hurt by girls, although the girl's actions aren't on purpose.


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01 Sep 2008, 2:08 pm

As for you, Magnus

"I think anyone regardless of sex wants to be with someone who is interested in them. Nice guys are often shy and this appears as if he is aloof and not interested"

Agreed, and a very insightful observation from the opposite sex. I forgot what girls might think of a shy guy, that he might be aloof and not interested because he doesn't engage them. However, as you said, clever and devious guys are up for the challenge.

I don't think all women are shallow, in truth I think many girls/women don't understand that their actions actually hurt nice guys who care about them the most. They go after what they think is right, but what is often not right. The error in my mind is this, I feel that when I like a girl and she dates a jerk or totally ignores me, it is an insult to me as a person. Although this is not the case, girls don't date jerks to piss off nice guys, I take it as an insult, that such a girl doesn't deem me worthy of love/friendship. That is why I say it is fitting than girls who date jerks get their hearts broken. In truth, girls really do nothing wrong because they are ignorant of the fact that they were dating a jerk. When one has been rejected many times, such as myself, they look for justification in why things didn't work out.

The thing is I don't trust girls/women romantically, like I said, if previous experience and observations have proved otherwise, why would you trust in what you know will be more than likely dissapointing. If a mouse gets shocked every time he tries to eat a piece of cheese, he will stop going after the cheese because he knows it isn't worth the risk.

And finally, no, I'm not a casanova or an inspiring casanova, flattery and excessive charm are the tools used by players/jerks to manipulate girls' feelings. A casanova, more accurately a player, is a disgraceful person to fling the feelings of love about like they were nothing.


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01 Sep 2008, 2:09 pm

Perhaps there needs to be a distinction made between nice guys (and gals) and appeasers... this is something that has been running around in my head, because there is a difference. Those for whom it is an innate quality, and then those who, through their effort and attempts, manage to grind down everyone bit of character and nuance of themselves from existence try to appeal to the desires of another. One is a natural state, the other is a state of agitation... and it becomes obvious in time which is more attractive to others. I'm not for universal consumption; there are going to be some people who just aren't going to like me, or me them. Not my problem - and I'm more concerned about those that I do connect with.


My thanks to all the wonderful members here; I will miss the opportunity to continue to learn and work with you.

For those who seek an alternative, it is coming.

So long, and thanks for all the fish!


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01 Sep 2008, 2:11 pm

Cyberman wrote:
MrMark wrote:
Consider this. Some women like men who act like as*holes. Is that the type of woman you want to be with, one whose tastes run that way, one who demonstrates such poor judgement?

Exactly. That's what I'm trying to say!

well all the girls i notice are b*tchy, and if they ain't, theyre Taken!

and normally the best and nicest chicks are your best friends gfs! lol

also the other reply about not wearing "poofter" clother, well i live in Australia, plenty of wogs ,and the fashion nowadays is all guys are metrosexuals, it's weird, and me wearing plain jumpers and jeans don't get me anywhere so yeh, it's a conspiracy, i try to shop for clothes and i always get confused on where the bloody mens section is


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01 Sep 2008, 2:12 pm

How many freakin threads do we need about "nice guys" people????
This exact subject keeps getting rehashed again & again & again & again & again! I think most of us KNOW by now that nice guys "finish last" and that there aint much that we can do to change what women want in men. I wish those who want to continue discussing this would find an old nice guys thread and post to it instead of starting new threads about a tired old subject.