Rejected fat girl asking me to give her massage

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Snowy Owl
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04 Sep 2008, 5:20 pm

You ARE intolerable!! ! You just hurt her by implying her 'weightness'. You consider the outside. Matey think......she still have a p**** and boobs. Same to thin chick.




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04 Sep 2008, 5:45 pm

Sir_Beefy wrote:
It's funny, before I clicked on this thread, I knew exactly who started it. And I was right.

You mean you actually read to the right of the thread title?


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04 Sep 2008, 5:51 pm

The question is not answerable by us. It's up to you to decide! Decide things like...
Do I want to tap that?
Do I like big butts and I cannot lie?
Should I save myself for marriage?

And other fun choices. Remember, in any case, practice safe sex.

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04 Sep 2008, 6:56 pm

Wow and then you wonder why hotgirls are prudes or don't want to be touched.....

*The irony in this thread*

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04 Sep 2008, 7:01 pm

What I also want to know is what he means by "fat"... If "fat" means someone that weighs more than I do, then I could understand some trepidation (I rejected a woman once in high school because of weighing more than me)... If he means that there's any small amount of body fat on her at all, then I have no pity...


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04 Sep 2008, 7:06 pm

MissConstrue wrote:
Wow and then you wonder why hotgirls are prudes or don't want to be touched.....

*The irony in this thread*

well CUZ girls are supposed to be the one's who care about mind/heart/money

guys are supposed to like looks

so im it makes no sense for girls to get offendedb y looks cuz thats not how they should be rating b/f's imo


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04 Sep 2008, 7:15 pm

You forgot to put that women care about looks as well...sorry to say.

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04 Sep 2008, 7:20 pm your a dick lol


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04 Sep 2008, 7:31 pm

ProtossX wrote:
MissConstrue wrote:
Wow and then you wonder why hotgirls are prudes or don't want to be touched.....

*The irony in this thread*

well CUZ girls are supposed to be the one's who care about mind/heart/money

guys are supposed to like looks

so im it makes no sense for girls to get offendedb y looks cuz thats not how they should be rating b/f's imo

People have their own standards, regardless of whatever arbitrary parts between their legs they were born with. If you believe that you're entitled to like and dislike things as you will, please be consistent and extend this courtesy to others.

And, sorry to say, but with your mind and heart, the kind of girl you're imagining won't give you two seconds of your time, and rightfully so. Same with any other jerk, male or female, who sees a person only for how they look and treats them like an object or like dirt because of it, might I add.


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04 Sep 2008, 7:59 pm

Any man who thinks of women as nothing more than walking life-support systems for a pair of breasts and a vagina, and which woman should therefore put those attributes to use solely for his pleasure is a disgusting, pustulent blight on the male gender, and on humanity in general.

Women are people first and foremost, just like men. Their gender is secondary, and the mere fact that half the population is female does not obligate any woman in any way to use her gender-specific attributes solely to please a man.

It's too bad for all of us that a few immature, sex-obsessed, testosterone-poisoned hedonists should see fit to impose their perverse views of male-female relationships upon a world in which members of both genders are seeking love, trust, and respect, but instead find a plague of slobbering, grunting, filthy swine who want nothing more than to satisfy their own lustful desires at the expense of another person's peace and dignity.

I will never understand why any man would want to seduce a creature of beauty and grace into an act of pure, selfish debauchery, only to cast her aside when he's done with her so as not to be encumbered in his search for more prey. There is definately something twisted and broken in the heart and mind of such a man, and I want no part of it - I've helped pick up the pieces of too many shattered lives to believe that any such man and I share anything in common other than a single 'y' chromosome.

And for that one last fact alone, I am truly sorry.


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04 Sep 2008, 10:10 pm

Im starting to wonder whether or not ProtossX's account of this story is entirely true;it sounds so incredibly exagerated that
I cant rule out that it might even be made up. ProtossX: Women have standards TOO pal If you dont meet their standards then they're not gonna wanna jump in the sack with you, PERIOD. We're kinda sick of hearing about your sense of entitlement since NO ONE is *entitled* to anything really and women clearly dont recognize it.


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04 Sep 2008, 10:52 pm

It seems a double standard to me. To wonder why you can't get a girl, then you get one who is obviously interested and you reject her right away without even getting to know her. Yet you would come and complain if you got rejected.

You should probably practice being nice to all the girls and maybe you'll attract one that you do like. It's not all about looks and money.

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05 Sep 2008, 12:07 am

Kilroy wrote: your a dick lol

Agreed... but he still has a right not to hook up with people who he's not attracted to.

Hating them for being fat is kinda (read: totally) unreasonable, though.

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-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I

Tufted Titmouse
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05 Sep 2008, 1:08 am

ProtossX wrote:
Was over at my friends place and we were all hanging out when his girlfriend and one of her fat friends came along.

Her face was meh but shes semi-fat also, her friend implied that I should go up to her room with her, when i told her no and I told my friends girlfriend to stop bugging me about it, the fat girl said if i want to hook up to call her. I said no thanks I got to go (i guess my morals got the best of me) and i walked out furious with theses stupid hookup's that people try do when there totally ridiculously one sided.

I've told my friend that i hate fat chicks and that im perfectly fine waitin for the one thatrs right for me i dont want any stupid hookups that waste my time

anyway what do you guys think about this am i in the right to wait for the right person for me? or should i tap every fat person that wants some and feel like crap?

I hate women that are aggressive. It's a huge turn off for most guys and if you don't want to hook up with her, why should you? Don't let her pressure you.

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05 Sep 2008, 1:38 am

ProtossX wrote:
well CUZ girls are supposed to be the one's who care about mind/heart/money

guys are supposed to like looks

so... you think you have excellent qualities pertaining to the areas of mind/heart/money?????

i don't know your financial situation, but i doubt it's impressive enough to overcome the other two...

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05 Sep 2008, 1:44 am

thedarkpassenger wrote:
I hate women that are aggressive. It's a huge turn off for most guys

Not me...