ProtossX wrote:
MissConstrue wrote:
Wow and then you wonder why hotgirls are prudes or don't want to be touched.....
*The irony in this thread*
well CUZ girls are supposed to be the one's who care about mind/heart/money
guys are supposed to like looks
so im it makes no sense for girls to get offendedb y looks cuz thats not how they should be rating b/f's imo
People have their own standards, regardless of whatever arbitrary parts between their legs they were born with. If you believe that you're entitled to like and dislike things as you will, please be consistent and extend this courtesy to others.
And, sorry to say, but with your mind and heart, the kind of girl you're imagining won't give you two seconds of your time, and rightfully so. Same with any other jerk, male or female, who sees a person only for how they look and treats them like an object or like dirt because of it, might I add.