she doesn't have a name because I was just being lame
Anyways, a question to all ladies here of all ages ,sizes, shapes , categories , classes , education levels , professions, hair colors , political affiliations , AS , NT, crazies , with cooking skills or without cooking skills:
Would you like the idea of a guy who used to ask girls out left and right , for example ..let's say asking 3 to 4 girls per month?
*sigh* The subject lines really are getting a little lame.... and we already have threads on this topic. I'm really not sure where you're getting the idea that asking someone out for coffee once a week is some horrible, terrible thing. I've watched friends line up multiple dates in a single night, so their week is full... Really, really don't understand what is upsetting you so.
To answer the reverse; I have no issue being involved in a relationship with someone who would have asked a few people out each month prior to joining a committed relationship.