ZakFiend wrote:
in-a-dark-tunnel wrote:
For the last 8 years my AS husband has said to me at least 2-3 times a week, that he should never have got married to me, and he wishes he was by himself, and the best part of his life was when he was in prison and in his cell for 23 hours and did not have to socialize. He is only here because of the kids, and that I am not a good enough mother to be trusted to bring them up alone (in a spiritual sence). To him, these words are just how he sees things. To me it is a cold cold relationship.
My relationship is a bad example, and furthermore my husband is an alchoholic and a drug addict.
I did not know he had aspergers. BUt now I do, I know he is not going to change.
any advice?

Uhh you married someone who has a prison record?? Sounds to me like you're looking for something to blame. You are the one who had kids with him, you are the one who married him, take a little responsibility here miss. I'm sure he has issues, but you are the one who chose to be with him. No one put a gun to your head, so if you're not getting what you need get out of the relationship and take the kids with you. Even I can see he is simply not made to be with other people if he is telling you that openly.
BTW. I married him because I met him through church. i am a christian, and his past offences are not the issue. He is a spritual man, and I married him for that, hence why I have stuck it out. the issue is not that I am complaining about my life, but how can I turn it around?
Now I see his words are just facts to him, and he does not mean to hurt me, surely there is hope?