I had a GF once. She was an Aspie. Trust me, dating on the spectrum is not all that its made out to be. Its hard enough when one person has the inevitable problems with social skills and the stubborness that will so often lead to many break ups - try two. Needless to say, when she had an opportinity, which I will say was not near as good as just finding a job where we were both living at the time, she became intent on pursuing it, and it at least temporarily ruined both our lives, and destroyed the relationship.
This is a lesson to be learned about why it is dangerous to just date someone with AS because you have AS. Mechanically speaking, people with AS don't make good relationships together.
Also, I don't care much at all about the title, just please tone it down a bit next time because you got some nasty responses and I don't like people getting those.
-"Look to the future, be aware of the present, and beware of the past." -Me