Congrats Em and good for you too John! It makes me happy to see these posts and I'll just add myself to the list, I have a boyfriend too! We were officially official as of Thursday. He has Asperger's just like me and we share a ridiculous amount of trivial things in common that we can laugh about: same birthday, fighter pilot grand-uncles who died in the second world war, both favor spaghetti and the color green, grandmothers first named Ann... But more importantly, we both have a similar way of thinking, both love to read and write and critique each other's essays, we're honest with each other, and our conversations can go without end. I enjoy listening to his stories and can take his quirks; and he is open minded toward the things I have to say and he is very, very polite and chivalous (I totally misspelled that word, didn't I?) And so far my friends and family all approve of him (there's no reason they wouldn't
you learn something new everyday