To be married to a Filipino 12 years ago, is one of the best things that has happened in my life. I have since then spend more than 8 months in Philippines, and I have met a number of other men who have married Filipinos. I have in particular met a number who appears to be asperger or at least borderline cases. It seems to be fairly common for men with asperger to seek a foreign partner.
There is a lack of men in Philippines, that a women can trust to be faithful, hardworking and a good husbond. In addition, many Filipino women find Western men attractive. I do not remember anyone talking about how sexy I was, before visiting the Philippines. As some of the writers note, a Filipino women may believe that some of your peculiar behaviour is because of cultural differences. You may find, that being and acting nice is considered a strong positive value in a man, whereas it in a Western country may be considered a bit wimpy. You may also find that work with IT or another technical area carries almost the same status as being a succesful doctor in a Western country.
This means that you have a good chance to marry a girl you can feel attracted to, and who will appreciate you.
What are the catches. In order to make this work you shall find a girl who will fit you, exactly as when you marry someone from your own country. You shall have similar views on meeting other people, on money and on what you want your house to look like. Filipino women are very kind, but those who marry westeners are in general personally stronger than Western women, so if there are conflicts, you will have to adjust. You shall not expect to marry an obedient girl, who just will do as you tell her.
In order to make this work, you will have to regard the marriage as a project. Sometimes you will have to focus on, to spend energy on, and to learn how to do right. It is even more difficult to marry someone from another country, than to marry someone from your own. You will have to find out about immigration papers, help your wife to adjust to your society, to get a job, and be ready to support her, when she needs it. Fortunately, many aspergers are good planners, who can go through these steps in an orderly manner.
If you believe, you can continue your life as before, except that you will have someone to do the cleaning and to share your bed, I have seen that the marriage will fail. You will have to learn to adjust, and to pay attention to her needs, even when she is not expressing them directly. I have found this is a very good way to develop your own interpersonal skills.
When living together in your own country, you may find that your wife easily meets other Filipino women, and that you suddenly get to know a number of couples consisting of Filipino Women and men from your own country. Some of the may be asperger, and you may find someone you can enjoy talking to.
Some of the writers have noted, that people in Philippines express their feelings more openly than in a Western country. For an asperger, this makes it much easier to pick up their non-verbal reactions, and much easier to get in contact with other people. You may also find, that being in a foreign country requires the same routines for figuring out what is going on, that you have relied on in your own country, so you may not find it so difficult to adjust to the Philippines. You can also avoid a lot of problems by doing what your wife says, when you do not understand what is going on. It is my experience, that even if something seems very strange, people in Philippines normally have a good reason for doing as they do.
At the same time, it can be stressful. Bring a good book or visit one of the big bookshops in Manila, bring an i-pod with music or whatever you need to relax, and arrange with your wife to have one or two days in the middle of your stay, where you are just you can be together at a hotel with a good pool without any of her extended family around. If it in any way is possible, arrange to stay in the Philippines at least three or four weeks. The time will fly.