jawbrodt wrote:
Thoughts? I have gone though every stage that you've described, and eventually came to the same conclusion. Life is easier when you don't give a sh**. As strange as this sounds, I've had more luck attracting women when I wasn't trying, then when I was. Maybe it drives them nuts to see that you're happy alone, and want to try to show you different? I don't know, but I've been happier not caring so much, so I guess I'll keep with what's working.
Sure, it's like a cat. Cats might come over and let you pet them -- or they might not. Unlike dogs, which practically beg for attention (and thus are held in contempt by the rest of the non-Western world, though we at least value them for what they are), cats are cool customers, and do what they like. They make it quite clear that they don't need you to be happy, and if they do let you pet them, it's as much for their enjoyment as yours, if not more so.