j5689 wrote:
I can't stand tattoos. To me they seem to be the epitome of trying to impress society and it's almost sickening that anyone feels the need to try that hard. I can't even watch porn if a girl has more than a tramp stamp, and even that's pushing it.
The only time it's acceptable is if it's for a military unit that you were in, anything else and it's just ridiculous.
Well, as per below, I obviously disagree. And a well chosen, original and well executed design is a statement of SELF expression, admittedly with a fair degree of "I don't care what you think" thrown into it.
Ligea_Seroua wrote:
However, things that always *interest*
tattoos (particularly calf/forearms....almost porn for me)
So obviously we have differing mindsets ...BUT,on a woman- tramp stamps are usually the vilest and most cliched of all tattoos, so I don't understand how you can tolerate them. And I will qualify my preferances by saying I dont care for "tribal", unless on actual Maoris. And large flesh tunnels are not a look I appreciate.
Other people are people too.