LordKristov wrote:
The sad irony of the whole dating scene - at least in my opinion - is that the whole thing appears to be one giant double standard.
Speaking as someone who is starting over in his 30's, it seems - at least from what I've seen - that anyone less than perfect is unacceptable in the minds of many, many women. There are only so many PhD's with the bodies of Greek gods running around the world, and if we don't meet their standard of Prince Charming, we are the ones expected to change.
Yet we must accept them as they are. We have to change our flaws, but they do not. And even if they do accept us - at first - they feel they have the right to change us to suit their own desires. But when we ask them to make a change, they try to guilt trip us.
We also better be ready to chat over caviar and lobster-tails, not coffee. You want to date? Better build up a savings account, because with very, very few exceptions, "low-maintenance woman" appears to be an oxymoron. I figure starting over in my 30s, I will need to have a six-figure income in order to be a serious candidate. Why? Because from my own observations, most women under the age of 40 in this day and age are "gold-diggers" extraordinaire, and have an unrivaled sense of entitlement to everything they want simply because they look good. Hell, I saw an add for an "introduction service" for "affluent men" the other day.
And also, what are AS men supposed to do when there are no more AS women in the dating pool? Pretend to be NT and pray they don't have a meltdown/shutdown in front of her friends? Oh, yes, and on the subject of meltdowns....it is perfectly acceptable for a woman to overtly display emotions, but not a man.
This sounds nasty, but I am calling it like I see it. And even though many here will disagree, let's face it - if you are here...you are not the norm. You are the exception, not the rule.
Out there, in the real world....
You are a celebrity, an uber-jock, rich, or just a thug....
Or you are nothing.
I would really like to be proven wrong on this.......I really, really would.
LordKristov - thank you.
Now see, this is
EXACTLY why I view dating & relationships as nothing more than a complete waste of my time.
The whole thing seriously is just one big double-standard, and I don't believe in double-standards.
Most folks (especially those with AS) have to work so f-ing hard just to establish a relationship (or even to get a date), and at the end of the day it usually proves to be nothing more than wasted time/energy/money/effort for whatever reason(s).
From what I have seen so far, the vast majority of people in the dating world are far too stupid/shallow/wrapped up in themselves to appreciate and/or love their mates for who & what they are, and the current rate of breakups/divorce is a
HUGE testament to that. Not to mention all those who have to put up fronts and play all those stupid little social games just to get to know the person that they are interested in. And furthermore, not a single one of the women I've ever met was even worth talking to - as far as dating prospects go.
And if all of this is really what it takes to find a significant other, then that only reinforces my decision to remain single for life.
I seriously have far better things to do with my time than put up with tons of petty & ridiculous double-standard BS just to get a girlfriend (or a date). And if I do manage to meet someone at some point, then fine - I'll pursue the relationship and try to make it work. But - I'm not going to just sit around hoping for a nice woman to appear, nor will I be wasting my time trying to find one.
Just like yourself, I honestly would like to have all of my observations be proven wrong as well. But so far, everything that I have seen points directly back to what you (and myself, to a degree) have stated.