Cubbydrumm wrote:
I love sports (especially American football), I'm a conservative Republican (albeit a libertarian-leaning one), and I am a heterosexual WASP who
is obsessed with Latinas/Hispanic women. In fact, I almost exclusively date Latinas (and a few Asians and a Greek girl, even dated a French girl once) although I don't think that I ever dated a WASP American girl (not even once). In fact, that's one or the reasons why I moved to Costa Rica on May 1 of last year (I'm an American). I prefer Latinas due to their physical attributes as well as their charismatic/passionate personalities, they're more traditional and more respectful towards men, more tolerant of quirks that us Aspies tend to have, they are better dancers, more sensuous, better in bed, e.t.c. So I guess I go against a lot of the Aspie stereotypes, but live up to them in other ways (I am very analytical, inquisitve, logical, and quantitatitive and I love to quantify things as well as systemize things)!
My question on this board is this: Is it just me, or are there other Aspie WASPS (or even other Aspies who are non-Wasp/non-Latino men) who share my obsession with Latin women, and either exclusively or almost exclusively pursue/date Latin women?
I won't deny that I find Hispanic women attractive, they certainly are. However, I'm not entirely sure of the generalization you used with:
"I prefer Latinas due to their physical attributes as well as their charismatic/passionate personalities, they're more traditional and more respectful towards men, more tolerant of quirks that us Aspies tend to have, they are better dancers, more sensuous, better in bed, e.t.c"
Hispanic women, Asian women, Caucasian women, any of them can be beautiful. I could easily find a latina as attractive as a Caucasian girl, it all depends on certain criteria. What caught my attention was you saying that latinas are more respectful of men and tolerant of our aspie eccentricities. Perhaps it is a cultural thing, I don't know, but it certainly was interesting to hear.
But I do know this much, and it is true as can be. American guys and girls have an arrogance about them concerning dating and romantic love, an arrogance that makes it hard for us Aspies to get into this dating game. And I honestly believe that in America, the loveliest roses have the sharpest thorns, in most instances, the more attractive a girl or guy is, the more stuck up and arrogant they tend to be. So if you find your girl in Costa Rica, then congratulations
, because it sure beats the hell out of a lot of the girls back in the States.