willa wrote:
And, the proportion of people who look at relationships from an aesthetic point of view is larger than it should be. You'll notice though, as you get older, it isnt as bad. Dont judge life based on high school life lessons.
Here's a lesson, get by in high school with good grades and dont worry about anything else, but as soon as its over, forget it all, becuase it's useless.
Yup, i have a over a 4.1 GPA and I'm in IB, i take college classes in high school as a junior. I'll be a senior next your. I also exceeded on my standardized teting, so I'm no dummy. I'm not arrogant either, I'm just a realist, i see things exactly how they are.
I believe you dude, maybe things will be better> wait .THINGS are going to be better, i just took my realism and moved it down on the spectrum to optimism lol.