The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
madbirdgirl wrote:
way to label people...
how can you generalize all women who have male friends?
should a woman not hang out with someone just because they're male and attracted to them?
are women only supposed to be friends with women?
You too didn't read the thread well (Main post).
You got everything wrong.
I didn't say all women who have male friends, I was talking about specific cases.
According to my main post, "Nice Girls" don't make friends with males they're attracted to, so see how completely wrong you got the post?
either way, you imply that it's bitchy or wrong for girls to be friends with guys they're not into. a "nice girl" can be only be friends with men they don't like...well, maybe these girls are smart enough to stay away from men they like who won't ever like them back?
the men they're friends with aren't being used as emotional tampons, it's their decision to stay friends with the girl.
I think you're taking this thread too personal, like you relate to everything I said about "Nice Girl",
First you justify the eww reaction, and then you justify their discrimination based on hotness on picking male friends.