goldfish21 wrote:
Eureka13 wrote:
Who ever said that I don't thank people for unwanted compliments and/or pull a weapon on them? That's a pretty extreme assumption. Just because other people lack manners doesn't mean that I do, too. Doesn't make the encroachment any more desirable just because *my* manners are still intact.....
Who said anything about pulling a weapon on someone who paid you a compliment? Only you.
Um, people who pay others compliments don't lack manners. In fact, they likely have better manners than most considering they're considerate enough to say nice things to others even though they're not obligated to do so.
when a guy tells me "you're in nice shape, do you work out?" in the hopes that will get him into my pants, he's not being polite, ffs. and yeah, we can tell when it's just a random compliment from a stranger (because yeah, i get those too, even from other women sometimes about my hair or something i'm wearing) and some dude hoping to score. we are observant enough, most of us, to know the difference in intent. because the random compliment person pays their nice compliment and then goes on their way--the dude wanting to score, if you respond politely or otherwise encourage him, will press for further conversation and a date/phone number. the former is very nice when it happens to me--the latter is not, especially as i'm not in a bar trying to pick up dudes when this happens to me, i'm out getting my groceries or otherwise going about my day.
Even if they're sexually attracted to you, it is a compliment. You should feel flattered and attractive.
As for the repeated suggestion that the only appropriate place to compliment a woman on her looks is at a bar... that's a load of crap. If I were heterosexual, a bar is one of the last places I'd be trying to pick up women. I bartended for 5 years. I don't particularly care for the class of people that spend all their free time drinking in bars and wasting their lives like that. I'd compliment people who made healthier better more forward progressing choices in places like the gym where they're working out or in a grocery store where they're making healthy food choices. This whole "the bar is the only place you're allowed to give/receive compliments" is absolutely ridiculous.