LordoftheMonkeys wrote:
I would date someone who is fatter than I am, but only because I'm almost a skeleton so any girl who isn't anorexic is probably fatter than me. Someone who weighs 250 lbs? Hell, no. I don't see what's with all these fat people complaining that they can't get a date. All you gotta do is change your diet and exercise more. It's not like you were born with cleft lip or something.
I have a feeling a lot of fat people don't enjoy exercising. They feel like they're exercising a lot because they go to the gym maybe twice a week. The problem is they exercise to lose weight, not for pleasure. You have to enjoy it, otherwise you won't have the motivation to do it. I take walks every day, run through the woods, and run up and down steep hills, because it feels good. I don't just make a half-@$$ed attempt at it like most half-hearted dieters probably do.
i bet you already recieved a good forum smack from others on here, but since this thread is already 10 pages long, i dont feel like looking through it all just to see. but i'll get to the point.
your post -- aimed toward someone with an obvious low self esteem, well that was a bit...uncalled for shall we say?
and about your logic in this...you talk as if people could dump half their weight in a fortnight, if it were really as simple as you say, why are there fat people?
another point, judging by your knowing that the reason people cant lose weight because they are focusing on losing weight, and im geussing you too can understand that focusing and centering your life around the very thing you're trying to get rid of, in anything at all, will make the problem worse -- i suppose you are knowledgeable enough to know that your metabolism drops considerably in respect to the amount of weight one gains.
bearing this in mind, when you consider that women already have a lower metabolism than men, is it any wonder why one such as the OP is finding it difficult to gain weight, as most people who are without this wonderfull logic mentioned above are? put simply, no it is not at all.
furthermore you mention that most half hearted dieters probably make a "half-@$$ed attempt" at losing weight.
as i said before, the OP is verrrrry cleary not in the mood for that insult. hide behind the excuse: "i didnt directly say that" all you want, you, at very least, implied it. again, not nice, what you said may have been in in the form of advice, and even if what you were really trying to get across was actualy helpfull, the way you said it wasnt needed.
anyway i'll get off my rather high, 50m tall horse and take off my monocle and pipe as to decrease my elitist level.
I can't think of something witty to say, but if I could, I'd probably put it here.