mikassyna wrote:
As an Asian lady I would be suspicious of someone I thought approached me simply because I was Asian. There are creepy asianophiles out there, and they objectify a race of people because of a perceived way media has represented them to be (meek, obsequious, obedient). So, anyone who reeks or gives off that odor is going to get snubbed.
Why are you so interested on getting with Asians anyway? Is it because you are a minority and cannot make friends in other races, or are you targeting this race specifically for some sort of fetish? I would try to understand your motives before you approach people BECAUSE of their race, not DESPITE their race.
I'm half Korean. Once I tell men I'm half Korean men go crazy. I know that some men use Asian women. Some Asian women can use men too to get into the US for example. Also Asian women can be very submissive to men. Maybe men just like Asians because we tend to be more thinner and petite than other races? I don't know.
Tell me about it. I am almost one quarter Japanese. And a quarter creole. Some men find that so exiting. I think it´s really scary. I know a lot of men who use ´exotic´ women.