The UCSB shooter--an Aspie with a rant against women

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25 May 2014, 10:31 pm

cubedemon6073 wrote:
AspieOtaku wrote:
tarantella64 wrote:
DukeJanTheGrey wrote:
I woke up once with a woman, lets just say, interfering with me. That was in August 2005 and it's driven me stark raving mad since, as can still be seen today (and tomorrow and so on). Still don't know why she did it, we were never in a relationship but I have never felt so intuitively close to any one before nor since, male or female. But I don't hate or resent women, in fact there are a fair few whom I rather much admire to put mildly. I have misogynistic moments but I like to feel they are firmly balanced out with my misandry, but most of it is tongue in cheek, a humourers nod to the absurd and recognition of the strange hypocrisies that are dotted around in the whole of society. As a man I sometimes wish I could shrug it off, and with machismo boisterously state that I can get laid in my sleep. But no, good grief no, thank the lord I can't. Anyway just putting that out there.

See above. No better if a woman does it.
My abusive ex used to force me to have sex with her even though I was not in the mood and said no, she would threaten to tell neighbors I beat her if i failed to cooperate. Im not sure if its rape or abuse or manipulation to get me to do what she wanted.Im not sure if we all should continue discuss rape because its a rather touchy subject and im trying not to let it trigger my flashbacks right now i do have sympathy for others who were possibly raped and would not want them to have a flash back either because flashbacks aren't fun at all. Just the thing is rape is not fun for anybody and does a lot of psychological damage and can contribute to PTSD! When someone says no you stop you dont continue I dont give a sh** how horny you are you just dont that person is that persons own property not yours! Be it man or woman its total BS! Rape is just as bad as murder if not worse in my book because those traumatizing memories last for the rest of your life! Do I hate women due to my past experience? NO! although I have issues of trusting them and sometimes am afraid of them but i know there are good women out there as well not all women are evil psychos and im trying to learn to break that thought althogether I have been rather bitter towards women at times and have come off as misogynistic and I do apologize for that I do have some female friends so I am starting to trust them again but this time with caution, I know my mother is a good person and the recent news woke me up from my ignorance and immaturity towards a lot of females aiming for womens rights out of bad experiences with women. i now realize why there are women so bitter towards men because maybe they had bad experiences like I have I sometimes wish i could comfort those women but then realize that a man is the last thing they would want to see and I can relate to that I sometimes get in that mood too when it comes to women wanting to comfort me and I push them away, its unhealthy but im trying to work on that.

Wow sorry dude :(
Its alright its kind of the root of my bitterness at times but it doesnt mean im out to go shoot them thats just not in my nature. If it came down to that i would just put a bullet in my own head to prevent that from happening for sure! innocent lives dont deserve to be taken I dont care what your problem is just dont take other peoples lives away!

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25 May 2014, 11:03 pm

^ true. I'd sooner kill myself then hurt another person unless of course they attack me. I try to avoid killing any living creature.


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25 May 2014, 11:09 pm

I'm sorry about that, too, AspieOtaku. That's just awful.

I should clarify something, too. (And am going to go wildly off-topic to do it.) My feminism actually has very little to do with having been raped. I mean I remember it all quite well, and it put me in a bad space for a few days, but this was back before people talked much about rape, and it was quite a long time before I even understood that I had been raped. (I think this is still common, unfortunately, but I'll come back to that.) I suspect actually that the focus on rape has a good deal to do with a crazy-sexist view of what's valuable about women: our vaginas. Violate the vagina, that's the biggest crime.

But -- nuts as it may sound -- I'm actually more than a vagina, and what made me start paying attention to sexism and feminism was being visibly pregnant, and then spending about five years being, visibly, a mother. After having spent a couple of decades being taken seriously for who I am, and for the work I did -- and getting paid, in spendable money, for working. Overnight, though, I turned into a nonentity that was expected to have dust bunnies for brains and be delighted to take a whopping hit to earning power, while working very hard almost around the clock. At work for which there's very little respect. (Taking care of fragile little people is often very dull work, but it's also hard work, and it's extremely important, but there's almost no respect for it -- on the contrary, small children are regarded as a nuisance in the important-work world, and those who show up there with small children aren't viewed as doing anything serious.) People would try to have these inane conversations with me about, I don't know, nursery decorations, clerks would ignore me, and I found it extremely difficult to find mothers' groups that presumed the mothers actually had lives, thoughts, etc. beyond motherhood. The pressure to be a beaming empty-headed love-vessel who never thinks of, say, her own retirement account is intense -- even I felt it, and felt it hard.

So that's when I started reading, and looking around, and holy s**t, to this day, what the everloving f**k, when it comes to how women get boxed in, blamed, robbed, you name it. I think the kicker came when I started working at a women's center, and right away I started doing all the usual things a working mother does: it's a game called Hide the Fact That You're a Mother. It's a huge amount of work, and it's driven by the fear that if your employer thinks you're unreliable because one of those softheaded woman-mother creatures, you'll get canned, never get promoted, be a bad worker, etc. So you spend a crazy amount of time organizing things so that you can be in two places almost at once, you're forever tucking your kid(s) into corners and pretending your life isn't a disorganized, sleepless hell so that you can sound prepared and sane during your phone conferences. Like I said, I got down to business with this -- and then got stopped. Because the people at the women's center made it very plain that:

- I was important
- my work for them was important and valued
- my work as a mother was important and valued
- I deserved and was receiving respect
- there was no need to hide the fact that I had a child
- things would move at a sane pace that took into account the fact that I was doing the important work of being mother to a young child
- and I would not have to negotiate for any of this: I could take it for granted. Not out of pity or grudgingly, but because my work and I were both respected.

And...I can't describe the spa-like feeling that it was. I remember thinking, "This must be what it's like to be a man." It was incredible. Of course, it was also very local. When I went through divorce, I found once again that women are expected to be need-free alms-seekers who want nothing in life but their children's happiness and a basket of clean laundry. Showing up in court with a career is still a risky thing to do, if you're a divorcing woman. I also found that while it's normal for dudes to wander away from their kids, and indeed if they do their ex-wives will still often be blamed for it, if you're a mother without custody of your children, you pay a very heavy social price. You're also expected to maintain the kids' relationship with the dad, even if he's kind of an awful guy. I've seen appellate cases where the judges waved away the fact that the guy had been physically abusive, even one where the guy aimed a shotgun at the mom. A momentary indiscretion -- she was still ordered to maintain the relationship and send the kids off unsupervised with the dad.

So -- while being raped was no basket of flowers, it's the pervasive disrespect, of me and of other women, that keeps me so committed to these conversations. That disrespect is expensive, it's dangerous, it grinds women down, and I see no good reason for it.


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25 May 2014, 11:24 pm

Just to answer the question of had that killer ever posted here, I can not say with any certainty, but odds are no, most people here wouldn't put up with his apparent abusive tenancies and hatefulness toward women. people would have noticed and spotted that right off here, esp the women and the moderators.

What I don't like is anymore its becoming commonplace to say anyone who murders is an autistic and an aspie. makes me concerned of future mistreatment of my son and me and others like us because of those labels. its starting to make me wish we were never tested/labeled. as far as I am concerned and by what I have seen, yes autistics can get vary socially frustrated, but for the most part were vary peaceful, if anything were more prone to being abused then to be the abusers.

Take me for instance, I was bullied from first grade to last, in my travels more then once I got beat up by police who simply didn't want me passing through their counties as a transient, and I even been raped once by a gay cop. it would be horrible to be labeled as potentially abusive and violent just because of being autistic, esp when I am a total pacifist and have more then once been the victim of others hate and violence, a target simply because of being different and autistic. right now I am trying to get on disability simply because I am afraid of people and want hardly much to do with them past the Internet.

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25 May 2014, 11:58 pm

tarantella64 wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
starvingartist wrote:
Venger wrote:
tarantella64 wrote:
We're at Brownmiller again. I like her memoir very much. I don't agree that all men are rapists and potential rapists.

Yep most rapists are sociopaths although feminists usually like to pretend they're NT. Probably as a convenient way to diss on men in general. :roll:

the man who raped me was not a sociopath.

starvingartist, sorry for hearing that, I don't know what exactly defines sociopath, but no man who rapes is sane, at least not morally sane.

I think maybe you've got some dramatic ideas about what date rape is, Boo. It's just a form of "I'm allowed." Just like, decades ago, it used to be totally fine to slap dat ass walking by in the office. A perk, right? I'm allowed. And my dick is so practically inside her anyway, now that I've given her that finger she didn't know she wanted, and I want to; I'm allowed. Cause if she didn't want it, why'd she wear that? Come out with me? Say hello? Look at me? And, at bottom, there's this idea about getting away with it, because it's yours by right, no? Allowed.

It's just a matter of not actually noticing that the other person is a person, for a convenient span of time.

Maybe morally wicked is the right term, and yes I think cultural influence is one of the reasons.

Like other day while I was heading to my apartment, a salafi-looking young man (long beard, white abaya...etc) who was with a veiled young woman approached me and asked me "please sir, we can't go up to the elevator together, can you escort us?". He literally begged me so I escorted them anyway. Right after I did a research about this odd behavior and turned out that fundamentalists have this belief that any non-blood relative woman who is present with a man alone together then everything is 'allowed'.

Last edited by The_Face_of_Boo on 26 May 2014, 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.


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26 May 2014, 12:12 am

tarantella64 wrote:
I'm sorry about that, too, AspieOtaku. That's just awful.

I should clarify something, too. (And am going to go wildly off-topic to do it.) My feminism actually has very little to do with having been raped. I mean I remember it all quite well, and it put me in a bad space for a few days, but this was back before people talked much about rape, and it was quite a long time before I even understood that I had been raped. (I think this is still common, unfortunately, but I'll come back to that.) I suspect actually that the focus on rape has a good deal to do with a crazy-sexist view of what's valuable about women: our vaginas. Violate the vagina, that's the biggest crime.

But -- nuts as it may sound -- I'm actually more than a vagina, and what made me start paying attention to sexism and feminism was being visibly pregnant, and then spending about five years being, visibly, a mother. After having spent a couple of decades being taken seriously for who I am, and for the work I did -- and getting paid, in spendable money, for working. Overnight, though, I turned into a nonentity that was expected to have dust bunnies for brains and be delighted to take a whopping hit to earning power, while working very hard almost around the clock. At work for which there's very little respect. (Taking care of fragile little people is often very dull work, but it's also hard work, and it's extremely important, but there's almost no respect for it -- on the contrary, small children are regarded as a nuisance in the important-work world, and those who show up there with small children aren't viewed as doing anything serious.) People would try to have these inane conversations with me about, I don't know, nursery decorations, clerks would ignore me, and I found it extremely difficult to find mothers' groups that presumed the mothers actually had lives, thoughts, etc. beyond motherhood. The pressure to be a beaming empty-headed love-vessel who never thinks of, say, her own retirement account is intense -- even I felt it, and felt it hard.

So that's when I started reading, and looking around, and holy sh**, to this day, what the everloving f**k, when it comes to how women get boxed in, blamed, robbed, you name it. I think the kicker came when I started working at a women's center, and right away I started doing all the usual things a working mother does: it's a game called Hide the Fact That You're a Mother. It's a huge amount of work, and it's driven by the fear that if your employer thinks you're unreliable because one of those softheaded woman-mother creatures, you'll get canned, never get promoted, be a bad worker, etc. So you spend a crazy amount of time organizing things so that you can be in two places almost at once, you're forever tucking your kid(s) into corners and pretending your life isn't a disorganized, sleepless hell so that you can sound prepared and sane during your phone conferences. Like I said, I got down to business with this -- and then got stopped. Because the people at the women's center made it very plain that:

- I was important
- my work for them was important and valued
- my work as a mother was important and valued
- I deserved and was receiving respect
- there was no need to hide the fact that I had a child
- things would move at a sane pace that took into account the fact that I was doing the important work of being mother to a young child
- and I would not have to negotiate for any of this: I could take it for granted. Not out of pity or grudgingly, but because my work and I were both respected.

And...I can't describe the spa-like feeling that it was. I remember thinking, "This must be what it's like to be a man." It was incredible. Of course, it was also very local. When I went through divorce, I found once again that women are expected to be need-free alms-seekers who want nothing in life but their children's happiness and a basket of clean laundry. Showing up in court with a career is still a risky thing to do, if you're a divorcing woman. I also found that while it's normal for dudes to wander away from their kids, and indeed if they do their ex-wives will still often be blamed for it, if you're a mother without custody of your children, you pay a very heavy social price. You're also expected to maintain the kids' relationship with the dad, even if he's kind of an awful guy. I've seen appellate cases where the judges waved away the fact that the guy had been physically abusive, even one where the guy aimed a shotgun at the mom. A momentary indiscretion -- she was still ordered to maintain the relationship and send the kids off unsupervised with the dad.

So -- while being raped was no basket of flowers, it's the pervasive disrespect, of me and of other women, that keeps me so committed to these conversations. That disrespect is expensive, it's dangerous, it grinds women down, and I see no good reason for it.
Its quite alright people have their reasons to better their own cause and well rape is never pleasant no matter if your male or female. Men are human beings and women are human beings neither is to be considered property or objects but niehter should be considered all heartless monsters either but sadly anyone could be a monster and sometimes its hard to figure them out before its too late. I have encountered monsters that come as both genders one was my sociopathic abusive stepdad the other well.. my ex. Now to slowly get back on topic while also covering rapists as well as abusive psychos heres a nicely well put vid on Ls view on monsters. It is true there are many types of monsters who live in this world! [youtube][/youtube]I have had a rough life many other people have had rough lives as well but unlike those who snap and kill people I choose not to I choose not to become a monster. I must not hate women because well a woman gave birth to me and a woman rescued me from an abusive man and also another woman saved me from an abusive woman when times were really bad!

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26 May 2014, 12:42 am

oh and it turns out the shooter was the son of a hollywood director that hates guns.


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26 May 2014, 12:45 am

tarantella64 wrote:
I'm sorry about that, too, AspieOtaku. That's just awful.

I should clarify something, too. (And am going to go wildly off-topic to do it.) My feminism actually has very little to do with having been raped. I mean I remember it all quite well, and it put me in a bad space for a few days, but this was back before people talked much about rape, and it was quite a long time before I even understood that I had been raped. (I think this is still common, unfortunately, but I'll come back to that.) I suspect actually that the focus on rape has a good deal to do with a crazy-sexist view of what's valuable about women: our vaginas. Violate the vagina, that's the biggest crime.

But -- nuts as it may sound -- I'm actually more than a vagina, and what made me start paying attention to sexism and feminism was being visibly pregnant, and then spending about five years being, visibly, a mother. After having spent a couple of decades being taken seriously for who I am, and for the work I did -- and getting paid, in spendable money, for working. Overnight, though, I turned into a nonentity that was expected to have dust bunnies for brains and be delighted to take a whopping hit to earning power, while working very hard almost around the clock. At work for which there's very little respect. (Taking care of fragile little people is often very dull work, but it's also hard work, and it's extremely important, but there's almost no respect for it -- on the contrary, small children are regarded as a nuisance in the important-work world, and those who show up there with small children aren't viewed as doing anything serious.) People would try to have these inane conversations with me about, I don't know, nursery decorations, clerks would ignore me, and I found it extremely difficult to find mothers' groups that presumed the mothers actually had lives, thoughts, etc. beyond motherhood. The pressure to be a beaming empty-headed love-vessel who never thinks of, say, her own retirement account is intense -- even I felt it, and felt it hard.

So that's when I started reading, and looking around, and holy sh**, to this day, what the everloving f**k, when it comes to how women get boxed in, blamed, robbed, you name it. I think the kicker came when I started working at a women's center, and right away I started doing all the usual things a working mother does: it's a game called Hide the Fact That You're a Mother. It's a huge amount of work, and it's driven by the fear that if your employer thinks you're unreliable because one of those softheaded woman-mother creatures, you'll get canned, never get promoted, be a bad worker, etc. So you spend a crazy amount of time organizing things so that you can be in two places almost at once, you're forever tucking your kid(s) into corners and pretending your life isn't a disorganized, sleepless hell so that you can sound prepared and sane during your phone conferences. Like I said, I got down to business with this -- and then got stopped. Because the people at the women's center made it very plain that:

- I was important
- my work for them was important and valued
- my work as a mother was important and valued
- I deserved and was receiving respect
- there was no need to hide the fact that I had a child
- things would move at a sane pace that took into account the fact that I was doing the important work of being mother to a young child
- and I would not have to negotiate for any of this: I could take it for granted. Not out of pity or grudgingly, but because my work and I were both respected.

And...I can't describe the spa-like feeling that it was. I remember thinking, "This must be what it's like to be a man." It was incredible. Of course, it was also very local. When I went through divorce, I found once again that women are expected to be need-free alms-seekers who want nothing in life but their children's happiness and a basket of clean laundry. Showing up in court with a career is still a risky thing to do, if you're a divorcing woman. I also found that while it's normal for dudes to wander away from their kids, and indeed if they do their ex-wives will still often be blamed for it, if you're a mother without custody of your children, you pay a very heavy social price. You're also expected to maintain the kids' relationship with the dad, even if he's kind of an awful guy. I've seen appellate cases where the judges waved away the fact that the guy had been physically abusive, even one where the guy aimed a shotgun at the mom. A momentary indiscretion -- she was still ordered to maintain the relationship and send the kids off unsupervised with the dad.

So -- while being raped was no basket of flowers, it's the pervasive disrespect, of me and of other women, that keeps me so committed to these conversations. That disrespect is expensive, it's dangerous, it grinds women down, and I see no good reason for it.

I think the reason rape makes me so mad is I view sex as an extremely emotional act, I view the body a extremely private part of a person. I believe in respecting people, that everyone has the right to be free and happy. Rape violates all of those :'( I can't think of a worst then besides slow torture to death. I have also felt to a smaller extent and seen through friends the emotional pain and fear it causes, so when i hear of rape i tend to get super emotional.

as for the other stuff, is it an office job? I've never worked any office jobs, the jobs I've worked women get equal pay and respect, if anything they tend to get special treatment. most my bosses have been women. I wonder if the reason i've never seen any of this stuff is cause its more done in office/ corporate jobs. i've never seen or heard anyone in my area complain about it which could be cause we are a left leaning state? I believe now it happens, why would you all lie. Just growing up in my area women have all been equal or the more powerful gender, so when I hear this stuff i'm just confused. It probably like going from the north to the south and seeing the different treatment of races. Again never seen much racial stuff here when I grew up, now back in the 60s there was a big clan following and our governor was a kkk member, my city was the city next to the sundown city.

only sexism i've seen besides the gender wars is that women get certain rights that men don't like they can take a duffel bag into stores claiming its a purse, but i can't bring my backpack in. it upsets me kinda but not enough to fuss over ,but some guys have gotten really upset over it at store doors.

glad you found a place that treats you as a equal, I don't get why being a mother would be seen as a bad thing or why women can do both . they seem to around here just fine.


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26 May 2014, 1:02 am

^^ Im done talking about rape lets get back to the main topic of the psychotic killer.

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26 May 2014, 1:57 am

AspieOtaku wrote:
^^ Im done talking about rape lets get back to the main topic of the psychotic killer.

I'd rather talk about neither what about cute kitten that turn evil. Mine does every 5 minutes it seems


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26 May 2014, 8:09 am

Dox47 wrote:
I'm a bit disconcerted that while there are a number of posters who are absolutely terrified that this guy's crime and AS diagnosis are going to lead to stereotypes and persecution, there's a whole other group of posters positively gleefully pointing out any similarities they can find between this guy and posters on this board in order to push an agenda.

What agenda?

I've been quick to point out similarities, that there's a lot in his attitude that would fit in here, as well as elsewhere - the point being that his ideas and attitudes are very far from unusual, though the extremity of them surely is.

There's a difference between 'he was this way because of AS' and 'he held entitled, misogynistic views that can be found amongst many men, including here'.

I would suggest worrying less about those pointing about similarities, and more about the similarities themselves.

Of course, it's probably quite a bit more complicated than that.

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26 May 2014, 8:10 am

tarantella64 wrote:
And I doubt that many women are all that fantastic at sex, either. We're just critters, you know, not everybody's going to be a sack artist. When it comes down to it, there's a sizeable chunk of the population that doesn't even like sex all that much. And I've yet to hear of a marriage that's decades of happy humping. For an awful lot of women, anyway, sex goes along with expense, ailment, and fear -- contraceptives cause physical problems and have side effects, plus are expensive, and then there's always the risk of STDs and pregnancy. Not to mention garden-variety pain. People have all kinds of problems with the reproductive parts. Great sex is a magnificent thing, but I think it's very much the exception, not the rule.

I think for most the pizza rule applies -- not all pizza's great pizza, but even meh pizza's pretty good. Unless you're sick, or lactose-intolerant, or whatever, in which case leave it alone.

I just wanted to pull this out of the discussion and highlight it. This is the most balanced, sensible thing anyone has ever written on here. Brilliantly worded too.


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26 May 2014, 8:54 am

From the articles and analysises I read on this case, along with people's comments, no one is really saying he did that because of his AS, but that such bitter and hate talk is common on the internet.
There's no anti AS agenda.


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26 May 2014, 8:55 am

I want pizza.


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26 May 2014, 9:13 am

^ :D

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26 May 2014, 10:02 am

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
From the articles and analysises I read on this case, along with people's comments, no one is really saying he did that because of his AS, but that such bitter and hate talk is common on the internet.
There's no anti AS agenda.

AS would of had nothing to do with it, unless he also had some kind of personality disorder. There has never been shown to be a correlation between AS and violence like this.