Lazar_Kaganovich wrote:
Gauldoth wrote:
I'm sorry, I'm just tired of all these women claiming that being Aspies is as big a handicap for them as it is for men. It's not, it's just not. Stop pretending it is because it's not.
Ahhhhh.....everyone thinks their burden is the heaviest. Stop playing victim Olympics, people!
Asperger syndrome *is* as much of a hardship for women as it is for men, albeit in different ways. The best analogy I can think of is vectors in the
Real plane(R2) that have the same magnitude but point in different directions.
No, it isn't. I don't care who says it or how many times they say it. And I'll never say it, because it's not true.
androbot01 wrote:
Out of curiosity, what did you expect from the supervisors? They weren't there to set you up on a date - it sounds like it was a casual social. Just because you want to hook up with someone, doesn't mean the counsellors are supposed to find someone for you.
Also, the possibility that autistic females generally have it better than autistic men is a fairly useless statement. Some do some don't. But it sounds like you are in some sort of competition with women. I don't understand why.
I don't know, though honestly I would've preffered them just coming out saying they didn't know how to help us, rather than giving us what I have to assume they already knew was useless and potentially harmful advice.
Last edited by Gauldoth on 10 Apr 2015, 12:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.