Closet Genious wrote:
There's a disconnect between what people say and what they do, and this is especially the case with women in my opinion. I'm not saying this because I am a misogynist, or aspiring to be one, I am just constantly observing. And what I've observed in the 23 years that I have lived, is that men tend to be more analytical and honest, where women more often fall into self delusion and lying. I know that no matter what I say you won't accept this premise, and I understand that, because it doesn't sound very nice. But I'll give you an example of what I mean.
Fat people.
Fat men generally tend to admit to the fact that they're fat, and that being fat is neither healthy or attractive.
From what I've observed, alot of fat women cling to movements such as "health at every size" and body positive movements, deluding themselves and trying to push the message that being fat is both healthy and attractive, when it obiously isn't.
I know all of this sounds incredibly rude, I wish I could find a way to convey it in a way that doesn't offend people. I am not saying there aren't any women who are incredibly analytical or honest, because obviously there are. I am talking about general trends. And I think women have a tendency to spare people's feeling instead of telling the truth, which sometimes makes their contributions very unhelpful.
From my expirience, both genders are prone to self-deceiving.
Females are ready to believe they are attractive - but they are also very easy target for all the "you should" advertisements. You should buy our clothes. You should get rid of cellulit. And so on.
Males are
extremally easy to be made believe they are more important than they actually are. Example from my life: I worked in a gallery where eating or drinking was forbidden. If I confronted an eating female, she obeyed. If I tried to confront adult males about it, they fought back. But if I veiled my instruction in a form of asking for help because you are so important, everyone takes an example from you - they did anything I asked them to.
Anyway, did you watch the scene? Because maybe males and females see different aspects of it. The problem I see is putting down someone's contribution on the spot, without a second thought. The problem my mother in law would see is a man believing all the women want is being wanted by males. Maybe you have another perspective - I would be more than interested to learn.
Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.
<not moderating PPR stuff concerning East Europe>